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Dumbass Sandwich

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Dumbass Sandwich's Achievements


Refugee (1/15)



  1. Imagine defending a train on hoard night, would you be able to lay your own tracks or would you just be stuck on the line? What if the line doesnt loop would you have to deal with a turnabout? So many possibilities...
  2. It would be really nice if there were more options for painting, its cool that you can copy stuff from the existing world but the color options are... limited to say the least. A lot of the textures for paint need to be updated, like the texture for glass and the medicine cabinet. I think it would be really cool if we were able to mix paint to get any color we want, and maybe we could find/make/be rewarded stencils so we can add a few patterns, basically make our own wallpaper. I would love to paint my base with vibrant colors, dark blue's and soft whites, pretty little flowers on the sides of my farmplot boxes. being able to change the color of red cabinates would be lovely too, being able to paint my motorcycle and gyro... Please just... add more color.
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