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Posts posted by theBigPuma

  1. 8 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    Yeh but only do it from entitygroups.xml, not from any other place.  Do a search and replace, to make sure there are no empty entries. 


    I'm assuming the clown is KennethClown, but what is the big pink guys name?

  2. Is there a way to remove him and possibly the clown guy? The ran into the big guy on like day 5 in an infested clear and he killed me fairly quickly as my weapons were no match for him. There was no way I was completing that quest with my level 1 pistol and shotgun. LOL!

  3. What's the name of the big pink guy and how the hell do you kill him? He showed up on my 7 day horde night and bullets just bounced off of him!

  4. 1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

    Going to need a log.


    I followed your steps on cleaning everything out and that seems to have corrected my issue. I will dig in more thoroughly after work today.


    Thank you!

  5. Hey folks. 


    Due to a motorcycle accident, I've been away from the game since November 4th. I'm finally getting back to it and noticed it updated to 21.2 b30. I tried to load in a saved game and it wouldn't but I figured out why that was happening (a mod I was using wasn't compatible). I then decided to just start up a fresh game, one using Navezgane and one random, but noticed on both of those that the starter items didn't load. The torch, land claim block, starter quests, etc. Is there something I'm missing in the new update or is it something I'm doing? The current mods I'm using are attached.



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