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Posts posted by Letalis

  1. dmustanger: Are you working on a more A16.1 friendly version?

    For Example having some issues regarding the /day7 command that still refers to Bees and Cops.


    Keep up the great Work.

  2. There is an exe called LP2DB - List Players 2 DB - it runs under mono on linux or natively in windows.

    It connects to the server via telnet and periodically (we use 5sec interval) sends the 'lp' command to the server. It then sends an SQL to a local MySQL instance to save the positions and a timestamp according to their Steam ID.

    Every minute it also sends a showinventory command for each connected player. This is also saved in the DB and stored with the SteamID and timestamp.


    I wrote a player info page using JS Datatables - one of the functions is to click on a player and then view the inventory and navigate via datepicker or increments.


    The only thing remaining is the ability to search based on location/date/inventory contents, and a representation on the map of the player tracks, but that will have to wait till I get time.


    PM me your email address (or add me on steam with the same name I use here) and we can sort it out, if you want to try it.


    Credit goes to Prisma501 for writing the program.


    PS: When I said PrismaMod is needed I was mistaken, it is not needed for this functionality.


    Is there an update to the LP2DB as it doesnt work with A16.


    The current one spams the console with

    2017-06-23T11:26:28 44599.792 ERR Error in ApiHandler.HandleRequest(): Handler getplayersonline threw an exception:

    MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'EntityAlive.get_Stamina'.

  3. What dmustanger said ;)

    I plan to add more options to the map to filter out players so you don't see an endless list of players that aren't even active. So filtering banned or inactive users should become possible.


    Alloc, Have you had any chance to look into this? It would be much appreciated by many.

  4. You can setup a custom chat command to do that.


    Set "CustomCommands" Enable="True" in ServerToolsConfig.xml

    The server will create CustomChatCommands.xml

    Use the following as an example:

    <Command Command="hubcity" Response="tele {EntityId} 1000 -1 1000" DelayBetweenUses="60" />

    Use /hubcity in the chat window to teleport to 1000N/1000E


    Awesome. Will test that.

  5. Hi Alloc! Apologies if I've misunderstood the changelog, specifically "Fixed error loading item icons in A15 (may have added regressions for mod icons)", and am expecting this to be fixed when it hasn't yet. I've updated my server to rev.293 but am still getting the texture/icon errors on the WebMap when opening a player inventory. When I updated to rev.293, I deleted all the previous rev.289 folders too so it isn't an issue with old files. ;) One line of error below. Let me know if you need more.


    2016-09-27T09:53:03 86407.430 INF Error in Web.HandleRequest(): UnityEngine.UnityException: Texture '' is not readable, the texture memory can not be accessed from scripts. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Import Settings.
     at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Texture2D:GetPixels (int,int,int,int,int)
     at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels (Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 blockWidth, Int32 blockHeight) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.Handlers.ItemIconHandler.LoadIcons () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.Handlers.ItemIconHandler.HandleRequest (System.Net.HttpListenerRequest req, System.Net.HttpListenerResponse resp, AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.WebConnection user, Int32 permissionLevel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.Web.HandleRequest (IAsyncResult result) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    Im getting the same errors.

  6. Ok, well there is something you can do to get closer to this, but I'm surprised you want to go this far to help your users :D

    Currently the list is loaded and auto sorted on the Name Column:



    	theme: 'default',
    	widthFixed: true,
    	sortLocaleCompare: true, // needed for accented characters in the data
    	sortList: [ [FindColumnIndexByField("name"),0] ], /* THIS LINE DEFINES THE AUTOSORT OPTION */
    	widgets: ['zebra', 'formatter', 'filter'],
    	widgetOptions: {
    		formatter_column: formatterSettings


    As you can see on the SortList variable is configured to sort the columns by name (Alphabet Ascending), you can change this to sort on load by players->online.


    Thanks alot, zigstum.

    I changed this

    sortList: [ [FindColumnIndexByField("name"),0] ],

    to this

    sortList: [ [FindColumnIndexByField("online"),1] ],


    If there are anyone else that wanna go the same way :)

  7. Ahhh yes, we were talking about different things. There is currently no way to hide offline players from that list, unless you want to go into the source, hack, and then recompile it.

    It seems that the filtering is not functioning properly or you could have put 'online' or whatever into the filter box above the column to hide the offline players.

    Is there a reason you want to hide it, and is it just to hide it from non-admins?

    Its more of a cleaner look feeling. I have opened up this part for public users. For them to see which players that are online.

    ITs easier to find them if its only online players in the list. Now they need to click "Online" to see who is online.

  8. It isn't showing for me, and presumably not for you either - which is strange assuming you have admin permission of '0' on your server.

    Check out the web permissions section on the wiki:



    It's most likely a config issue - when it is working, you will see a layer control box in the top right of the map that allows you to show and hide Players (online/offline), Zs, Animals, and Land Claims.


    Wonder if we think of different things.

    This one is when an admin i logged in



    What I'm thinking of is this list.


    I want to hide the offline players here.

  9. There is an exe called LP2DB - List Players 2 DB - it runs under mono on linux or natively in windows.

    It connects to the server via telnet and periodically (we use 5sec interval) sends the 'lp' command to the server. It then sends an SQL to a local MySQL instance to save the positions and a timestamp according to their Steam ID.

    Every minute it also sends a showinventory command for each connected player. This is also saved in the DB and stored with the SteamID and timestamp.


    I wrote a player info page using JS Datatables - one of the functions is to click on a player and then view the inventory and navigate via datepicker or increments.


    The only thing remaining is the ability to search based on location/date/inventory contents, and a representation on the map of the player tracks, but that will have to wait till I get time.


    PM me your email address (or add me on steam with the same name I use here) and we can sort it out, if you want to try it.


    Credit goes to Prisma501 for writing the program.


    PS: When I said PrismaMod is needed I was mistaken, it is not needed for this functionality.


    added you on steam. TTL

  10. Yeah I just figured out using Paint.Net and random experimentation with layer blending that it's a simple multiply blend. (But thanks a ton for your reply -- if I hadn't figured it out, I would have been stumbling around for a while on it still).


    Anyone have a 12.5A Windows-based server and want to test my build?


    What dmustanger said ;)

    I plan to add more options to the map to filter out players so you don't see an endless list of players that aren't even active. So filtering banned or inactive users should become possible.


    Hi Alloc:


    I want to script something that allows me to remove banned players from showing up on the web map as "known" players. If they're banned, I don't want a flag on my map showing a banned player as "offline." I tried deleting the player data from $SDTDHOME/instance/Random Gen/seed/Player, but that doesn't affect the web map.


    Further investigation showed that the web map keeps a persistent data store in the seed directory called "AllocsPersistentData.bin". Looking at string data suggests this is where the players data is stored. Can you share a little info about this file? What format is it, how to access it safely, etc.?




    If you still need a Windows Dedi, send me a PM..

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