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Posts posted by exocakes

  1. Heya, I'd like to ask, is there a list of specific car parts in The Wasteland? Trying to fix a motorcycle but the icon showing I'm missing a thing is too small and the item seem to be black which makes it harder to find it. In context we're trying to repair an r75 motorcycle (I think thats what it was called, its a motorcycle with a sidecar) and its at stage 6 now

  2. Heya bdubs, great work on The Wasteland mod. Just going to ask about said mod, do the zed corpses/remains eventually despawn? Cleaning them up is quick and when a remains falls on top of another it usually despawns, but sometimes (especially during horde nights) they tend to pile up and lag the server. That and the remains tend to slow zeds down a bit, which is both a good and bad thing in horde nights since they either slow down or get cranky and attack a nearby block.

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