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Posts posted by Chinotek


    10 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Are you in SP or MP? I tried reproing that NPC dupe and couldn't get it to happen. I only tried in SP though. You're saying if you hire one, pick him up and then die, when you respawn he respawns in the world with you but is still also in your bag?

    I'm in SP. Yes, exactly. I also tried reproducing it in a new world and in my save but it did not happen..

    For the trader, one workaround I found is to just spawn them in. I was able to submit my finished quest when I spawned Johnny in his area. I also cannot get the trader area kick when I went back to the missing trader Rekt.. 

     I'll try recording my game and  if it any happened again ill get back to you.

  2. 1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

    No, the maps I uploaded have to be installed in your Worlds folder where normal RWG maps end up. I could probably fix them to load as mods though, honestly didn't even think about it.

    I've had one other person with that same error, but not real sure what the cause is. There is an issue we've reported that seems like it may be related to this, but haven't had an update on it in a bit. Some kind of issue with Tile Entities.

    Ohhh, I see.

    I experienced 2 more bugs a while ago but I'm not quite sure what was the trigger.  The first bug deleted the Red Rocket Trader. I didn't notice anything weird before that happened as I just accepted a Tier 4 quest and when I returned he's gone. This was not the first time I experienced it, Trader Rekt was also deleted a few days ago but I'm not sure which log file it is. It also kicks me out the Trader Area, stating it is closed.

    I also had 3 Brotherhood of Steel with me when I accepted the quest. I then went to my pickup truck to go the quest and when I arrived only 1 spawned in. The other two were nowhere to be found. I tried spawning them in by getting into the truck again and going out, no luck. I also tried going 50+ meters away to spawn them in, no luck again. They are clearly there, like you can collide with their bodies. You can feel an invisible block. I tried digging around it and I even stepped on them making me levitate. I wish I took a screenshot.

    While all of this was happening I duplicated the world in hopes of saving it. I restarted the world, nothing changed.  Restarted the game, you could no longer see them in your party HUD. I tried running the duplicate, nothing changed.

    Here are the log files:
    Log 1 (deleted some due to being over 512kb) - https://pastebin.com/VPK6tXvb
    Log 2 (game restart)  -https://pastebin.com/XegQ7m7y

    There is also a third bug but I don't want it to be fixed yet lol. When you put one Brotherhood of Steel in your inventory and die, it will duplicate that npc. When you respawn, it will spawn with you with its inventory duplicated. That way you will have 2 Brotherhood of Steel.

  3. Hello,

    I'm back again. This time I have updated the SCore to its latest version and generated a RGW. I cannot run the 8k01 map sadly. Do I just put that in my mod folder?


    Anyways, I'm here to report a bug. Some quests do not restart the POI which makes the quest unable to begin. I was only able to document one, which is the Mutant Camp. 


    Here is the full log: 

  4. 1 hour ago, arramus said:

    As for a World, here is a prepared 8K for Wasteland that is still viable. This was checked to ensure it has all of the primary POIs, and a multitude of secondary types multiple times. The towns (not cities) are very slightly expanded and there'll be a heap of Wasteland POIs to experience. It has 1 spawn point and on play through gives a progressive story feel.


    Thank you, I'll try this out in my next playthrough.

  5. 2 hours ago, arramus said:

    Hi Chinotek.


    I see you're using the GNS Modpack which contains The Wasteland and all of its required Mod, along with a whole host of POI packs, and a World with a token gesture placement of the Wasteland POIs placed on it.


    I don't mean to upset things, but I really recommend starting again with only The Wasteland Mod and its required folders on an RWG you make yourself, or one that is shared in the community specific for The Wasteland. Here are the reasons:


    - Some of those POI packs add buffs. Since the Wasteland Mod is a full on overhaul, the chances for conflict are real. This could impact any number of interactions.

    - The provided World has a scattering of Wasteland POIs, but there are a fair few that don't appear at all, and those that do are just once. This will make it hard to have the full on Wasteland experience. If you're already using your own RWG it will be better, but those other POI packs are competing for space and access to Wasteland specific loot and interactions will still be reduced, especially for Traders.


    It could be that there is another issue at hand, and the log certainly shows a couple of errors popping up, but with these other things in the background there's always a possibility or conflict and it makes it harder to verify and confirm.


    Thank you for the response! That does make sense as I've experienced POIs that have bugged quests such as not resetting. I've also been wanting to create a new playthrough so it's fine for me. I do have another question, do laser weapons overlap with other weapon categories? Does Rifleman buff laser shotguns or laser rifles? Do the weapon buff magazines affect the laser weapons?

  6. Hello,

    I've experienced a bug recently where if I loot anything my screen gets stuck and I can't escape. I can still press any shortcut such as "M" or "N" but I still cant escape/close the menu. It could be from updating the mod and I didn't create a new world but I only experienced it when one of my Brotherhood of Steel died and looted their inventory.

    Here is the log:


  7. Discovered the Wasteland mod from GNS and it's been a lot of fun. I do have one small problem with it. I'm too lazy to cleanup the gore piles especially after a horde night. Is it possible to disable it or increase the time for them to despawn? 

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