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Posts posted by chubbychaser747

  1. True gas cans disappear but since you can go to a car or a gas pump and get gas the container that spontaneously appears and disappears that holds the actual gas doesn’t exist. You make food and the plate or whatever just magically appears then poops out of existence. To follow suit when you go to water shouldn’t a jar or some type of container magically appear only to disappear later after you have boiled the water to purify it then drink it. I went to a water source and you literally have to squat, stand, back up, move forward, jump up and down, punch the water, jump in the water, swim in the water, and repeat all those actions multiple times before it actually lets you drink water. This has happened to me numerous times and I’ve seen it happen to many other people while playing. Maybe they should like I said fix these type of things before they change something. This was not an issue before just fill something with water and drink. This is not fun but I’m sure they really don’t care because I’ve already bought the game they have my money anything I say now insignificant. True a lot of people don’t have to worry about jars they are playing permadeath or with mods or with cheats on and jars are not an issue, this game was in the beginning stages so awesome and had a lot of realism but that is a thing of the past just like devs listening to the people that play their games. 

  2. It’s unrealistic that jars disappear now even I. The end of days glad doesn’t cease to exist I can understand water was easily available before and still is  but your container doesn’t disappear. If I have a can of soup and eat that soup I still have a can I could put something in if I have a jar that has water in it and I drink that water I still have a jar. I understand they want this game to be realistic but they made it more unrealistic by removing jars. Wouldn’t the world be such an amazing place if your Taco Bell cups and stuff were just consumed by an unseen force when you weee done no unlimited refills anymore. This aspect of the game was fine the way it was. Why not stop messing with things that are actually realistic and fix the things that aren’t like if I have 10 pieces of meat and cook them all I should still have 10 not only one. If I kill an entire deer I can actually get at least  a months worth of meat. No mater how bad of a cook you are you can not cook meat into nonexistence. Realistic approach would be you could by cooking get better and it would improve the benefits as you progress. 

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