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Posts posted by MermaidQn87

  1. A21.2 b30 



    First time PC gamer.


    All these forums talk about the server hoster giving admin permissions to a player temp to fix issues like drone disappearing. But it's kinda hard to understand. 


    We did the ipl thing to try to give me admin permissions and my steam ID. 


    We may be doing things wrong. As I'm not getting anywhere and just getting errors.


    Can someone please dumb this down. I'm not tech ignorant but a easier level of explanation would be helpful. 


    I know there's a way to do stuff with the xml file too and he said it has me in there with permission level 0...



  2. Still an issue A21.2 b30. Hubs is hosting, ran into an issue where he couldn't stop punching so I had to quickly grab my drone up and got booted. 


    When I got back in had this error. Tried the admin privileges with my 7dtd id and jd clear with no success. Trying admin with steam I'd now. Really wish they'd get their multiplayer in order...


    Edit: steam ID didn't work either

    • Running Alpha 21.1 (b16)
    • Windows 11/ PC (fully updated)
    • downloaded off GamePass (fully updated)
    • have "xbox for pc app" downloaded; steam linked


    Husband and I have pcs literal room apart, hardwired to the same modem. Can't find each other in peer to peer rooms, can't find each other in the international list, nor when we try to search for each other's worlds. Once in game, i don't have the add friends options but I'm not sure if this is something only available for when you have people already in your world?
    Is this a recent issue with multiplayer or can someone please assist in the proper way to go about this?
    I have a feeling we aren't getting into the game correctly but as you can see the "launcher" comes up, but whenever we click them we have an error (attached as well). So have been going about the Tools > Open Game Folder and then clicked on the file that was 638kb labeled 7DaysToDie. Then we get to the other screen shots. Single player works fine. But co-op is stumping us something awful. Any assistance on this matter would be appreciated.
    [have screenshots if people need)
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