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Posts posted by ChillyFlake

  1. Tryin to be as clear as possible. Is there a way to, idealy in a already used world but if not i can live with that, disable the lock that prevents you from messing up a traders base? The trash the broken stuff it irks me so bad and i would edit my world file just to make it possible if i knew how


    One thing that would be nice though would be the option to re-enable it once it is clean so that zombies cant just mess it all up when im not looking. ive tried to scrub for a thread with these answers but came up dry

  2. 2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    You can modify the biomes file if it really bothers you.


    Assuming I wrote up my code correctly

    yoooo ty! ill do some experimenting with this but this looks absolute boss, tysm!

    1 hour ago, NekoPawtato said:

    If you really just want to clean up one area and don't care about the rest of the map, and you don't mind admin tools, there is an item in the game you can grab from the Creative Menu called the Admin Block Replace Tool (dark purple wrench). Left click a clean road to set it as the source, then right click on the decal and it will remove it without changing terrain level.


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    1. Hit F1 to pop up console
    2. Enter cm and hit enter
    3. Hit esc to close console
    4. Press U to open up creative menu
    5. Search "dev" and then click on the icon between the hand and the star
    6. Look for a dark purple wrench
    7. Repeat step 1-3 to disable creative menu


    this as well!! gonna use the HELL out of that block replace thats exactly what i was looking for

    (adding this line of text cause for some reason its saying this is spam ;-;)

  3. 14 hours ago, Callum123456789 said:

    Use the 6x6 tarp shape and place it pick it up rinse and repeat is the best way

    as i said the efficiency of stuff like that doesnt help given that would make an entire area uniform when as it stands its a pathway that isnt flush with block palcement and off the pathway its hilly goes down at angles etc etc

    36 minutes ago, Ramethzer0 said:


    Yeah that's gotta suck.   I'm not sure if there's anything I've come across from my playbook that can help you other than 'out of sight, out of mind.'


    For me that would mean I'd just straight up move away from the eyesore so my OCD doesn't send me down the path of trying to fix landscape issues.

    LOOOOOL yeah same, ive done it in the past but this area, besides the @%$# on the ground, is just so perfect for builds and stuff. really a shame, id love a mod that s traight up removes the trash but on the other hand it is a very cool thing walking into a city seein it strewn about

  4. 46 minutes ago, Ramethzer0 said:

    You cant.  It's part of the world texture generation that happens in RWG.


    You can also flatten ground by placing items on top of the area.  I use removable wooden cubes.

    well i know that, as i tried but apparently failed to make clear. the problem is theres a long stretch of land at LEAST 500 blocks long that is generated to not be flush with the blocks, i.e. its slightly lower and placing a block to flatten raises it, not to mention the slow incline pathways that go up or down and placing a block only makes a minecraft-extreme step incline.


    i know what they are and i know basic ways to get rid of them im just asking if theres a less @%$#ty way to do it where i have to manually sculpt the replaced ground back into whatever shape it was in

  5. Just the general trash stuff you see on roads or pathways or stuff. Not the gubbins you can break apart with an ax but i mean the things baked onto the terrain. How in the HELL are you supposed/expected to remove them?

    It's gotten to the point that i feel you are explicitly expected to leave it there and just deal but its that same thing of "just because its post apoc doesnt mean we would stop cleaning up."

    Moreover, some of the time i can dig it up and replace whatever i dug up and itll be gone, but sometimes if i do that it makes the terrain uneven and jagged! Right now my best option to remove the trash on a long stretch of road i live by is to dig up the gravel, replace it, and bring it to 66/200 health. am i just missing something?

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