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Posts posted by BadZombie

  1. Hi all,


    I have begun writing the code for the metabolism/food component of this mod concept and need some help with realising a particular goal.


    I want to have meat spoil over time.


    Is it possible within the frameworks of xml to have 1 item change to another after a certain amount of time.


    I'm looking for ways to achieve this but I just don't think it is possible within the code.


    Cany anyone confirm? Or is there a workaround?

  2. 20 hours ago, Cranberry Monster said:

    I like the way you think, Bad Zombie. There are a few mods I can think of offhand that have some of the mechanics you're talking about. Darkness Falls, for example, removes the time from the HUD until you find or craft a watch (neither of which is easy). And Romero Mod makes zombies walk all the time, removes blood moons and the zombie homing ability, and makes most weapon damage minimal (1 pt) unless it's to the head. I'm pretty sure at least one vehicle mod also adds repairable vehicles to the world.


    Trying a nomadic, hunter/gatherer style had occurred to me before. I thought it might be cool if you removed regular crop growing (or perhaps just seed crafting) and set the food plants to be random spawns around the world. Redefine the plants so there's no chance of getting a seed on harvest, but also have it downgrade to a non-obvious block (say, grass or air) that will mature into a harvestable food plant again in time (not 3 days, obviously, but 15-30 days might be reasonable). Once you'd harvested all the plants in one area, it'd be time to move onto another section of the map until the plants had a chance to regrow. Living off the land could still have value if it gave you a bonus to the amount of food harvested from these wild plants.

    Hey, thank you for the mod suggestions! Although prevalent I have never played DF so was unaware of that time feature. I will check out the Romero mod and search for the vehicle repair one... that will at least provide a foundation to build an overhaul modlet from.


    I really like the idea of hunter/gatherer that you have outlined with the moving from area to area based on where certain crops grow, and I like the idea of germination taking 15-30 days which is more in line to real crop germination speeds. I'm not going to get too pedantic about crops though: coffee in the real world could only realistically grow in a hot climate, so in game maybe only the desert, or provide protection with glass and a heat source... maybe further down the line. Downgrading crop blocks to air is the perfect way to execute this! Hadn't thought of that!

  3. I'm currently gathering info which I intend to turn into the ultimate primitive survival mod, providing the framework for a more realistic experience in the event of a "real life" zombie apocalypse, while taking influence from historical sci-fi conceptions of zombies.

    Any feedback/suggestions welcome, also if you want to get involved in this mod concept please let me know!!!


    In 7 Days To Day it has always seemed unrealistic to me that players are able to craft helicopters only a matter of weeks (or sooner) after waking up in a zombie apocalypse.
    Not to mention many other things which seem totally unrealistic about the game.


    While creating this mod I imagine what I would do in the same situation, and for me the top priority is survival - not from zombies, but from starvation and thirst.
    Early game should be focussed on sustaining life and ensuring you are able to be free from worrying about starvation and thirst.
    This means that farming should be always be the top priority.

    This notion has so much potential as parallels are drawn from the agricultural revolution in homo sapiens.
    Think about it... who are the most valuable members of a post-apocalyptic society where reliance on supermarkets no longer exists?
    Those that know how to farm. Those who know how to grow their own food. Those who can identify plants.

    This aspect of survival can go down 3 channels: farming, hunting and looting.

    3 initial playstyles could be of utility: farmers, hunters and looters.

    The types of foods you consume should also have an effect on your character.

    5 main food groups:




    With each giving a buff when over a certain percentage of satiety, and a debuff when 3 or more fall below a certain percentage.
    This will introduce a fourth playstyle: cook.
    You will no longer benefit from spam eating the same stack of grilled meat.
    Additionally, cooked foods will spoil over time. This ensures players only cook food when they need to eat, or rely on canned foodstuffs when travelling.

    Meats should also be reverted to their animal forms: chicken, boar, rabbit etc, giving a greater variety of meals to choose from

    Your average Joe would not know how to work a cement mixer or chemistry station, let alone know how to build them.
    Forge? Why would I need to smelt metals in the first place?
    Working version of the workstations (if needed at all) should only be found in POI's.


    There should be no ability to craft motorized vehicles... instead some vehicles in the world should be able to be hotwired and driven for a certain amount of time.
    This could give rise to a fifth playstyle: engineer.
    Bicycles should remain in the game, but again should not be craftable, only found.


    Fitting with the traditional sci-fi notion of zombies... they should only ever walk, not run, and they shouldn't randomly know your exact location every 7 days.
    Instead, you encounter them when in small towns or cities, and rarely in the wilderness.

    And should only fight them if you need to.


    Additionally, with fewer humans in the world, nature would start to reclaim areas... roads should have weeds emerging from them, animals would be more abundant in the wild.

    You shouldn't be the only survivor, other survivors roam the wasteland and offer trades. You have allies, but also enemies.


    You shouldn't know the date or time, unless you have a watch or talk to somebody that has one. In lieu of that you just count the sunsets.

    At the moment with the horde attacking every 7 days the emphasis is naturally focussed on base building and everything else is pushed into the background.


    Please let me know if you know of any existing mods which may share ideas that I can take from.


    Obviously this mod is going to be an overhaul mod as it completely changes the narrative of the game.


  4. 5 hours ago, Mr Negative said:

    Hello, @BadZombie I've been messing about with your poi and managed to get it where I wanted it on Navezgane https://imgur.com/uTAFAf4 I've added a POI protection area to it too. I'm having an issue where the DMS is throwing warnings for the NPC's in your mod it still works though and the warnings stop if I turn dynamic music off, just thought I should let you know here is the warning it repeats about 5 times a second. '2024-01-30T01:54:38 3330.432 WRN traderandrew is not a known trader name to DMS' looking forwords to a fix, ty for the great mod


    Hi, thanks for the feedback.


    in configs/utilityai.xml find the following:


    <!-- line 3 -->
    <insertBefore xpath="/utility_ai/ai_packages/ai_package[@name='Zombie_Dumb']" >
    <!-- line 14 -->


    And change to:


    <!-- line 3 -->
    <append xpath="/utility_ai/ai_packages">
    <!-- line 14 -->


    Basically replacing an <insertbefore> tag with an <append> tag.


    Let me know if that works.


    Thanks for trying out the mod!

    version 1.4 is just around the corner, we've been making some changes for a month or so and are just in testing phase atm

  5. I had the same issue while playing on my old dedicated server. I built near to trader Jen, 2-3 blocks away from the trader protection zone and after I felled the trees the mesh still remained as shown in your photo.
    Restarting the server did nothing. I managed to get rid of one of them somehow by swiping at thin air near it - maybe they have a reallllly small hit box? But in the end I put it down to a bug and moved locations.

  6. I have created a second buff with the PlaySound trigger inside, tested it working on something else, but can't figure out how to link it to the code above...


    I have tried a new effect group:


    				<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" buff="buffBigWin">
    					<requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$machineoutput" operation="Equals" value="5"/>


    But that fires the buff constantly 🙃

  7. I have isolated the effect groups for losses and wins:


    				<passive_effect name="CraftingOutputCount" operation="perc_set" value="@$machineoutput" tags="SlotOdds1">
    					<requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$machineoutput" operation="LTE" value="4"/>
    			<effect_group><!-- WINS -->
    				<passive_effect name="CraftingOutputCount" operation="perc_set" value="@$machineoutput" tags="SlotOdds1">
    					<requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$machineoutput" operation="Equals" value="5"/>
                      	<!- possible to add a trigger in this effect group anywhere for sound? or to trigger a second buff? -->


    Code works 100%, just need to figure out how to implement the sound effect into the WINS group - maybe by triggering a second buff containing the PlaySound action?


    I have been tweaking and testing since my original post 4 hours ago with no success haha

  8. Hi all,


    I am trying to get a buff to play a sound when a specific number is output from the CraftingOutputCount value.


    For example I have slot machine on my mod that uses buffs to generate odds/wins etc


    First it generates a random number:

    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$machineoutput" operation="setvalue" value="randomint(1,5)"/>

    This cvar ticks constantly in the background...


    Whenever a player crafts an item (read places a bet), whichever number this cvar is on at that precise moment determines the odds of winning.


    If the number is between 1 and 4, the player loses, if it is on 5, the player wins.


    It is basically a 1 in 5 chance of winning.


    To limit losses I have included the following bit of code:

    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$machineoutput" operation="setvalue" value="0.1"><!-- If random number is less than/equal to 40, set it to 10% of stake: 0.1 -->
    					<requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="$machineoutput" operation="LTE" value="4"/><!-- value must match with multiplication range-->

    Which basically says if the number is between 1 and 4 give them 10% of their original stake back.


    And then the output is as follows:

    <passive_effect name="CraftingOutputCount" operation="perc_set" value="@$machineoutput" tags="SlotOdds1"/>


    This works 100%. No issues.


    What I would like to also include to enhance the gameplay is for a sound to play if the player wins.


    Since CraftingOutputCount is the only way of knowing if the player has won or not I have tried using the following:

    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="PlaySound" sound="Slot_Open" play_in_head="true">
    					<requirement name="CraftingOutputCount" cvar="$machineoutput" operation="Equals" value="5"/>


    However, nothing works.


    Calling on the cvar continually plays the sound over and over again since it is always ticking in the background.


    I can't think of any other way to achieve this?


    By calling on the values of CraftingOutputCount is it possible to add a buff with a sound?


    Any help or suggestions appreciated

  9. 50 minutes ago, Brugas said:

    Your recent update was flagged as suspicious. You may have to re-upload it on Nexus.


    Latest version of the mod with an update for Christmas slots.

    This file has been automatically quarantined and may be unsafe. How can I fix this?


    Hey, thanks for posting. I uploaded it earlier today then went out, had no idea it had been flagged.


    After looking into the issue I discovered I had forgot to remove another .rar file from within the prefabs folder.

    I've removed it now and re-upped.

  10. The tags for the prefab are: oldwest, wilderness and commercial.


    You can see if it has been generated by searching for the POI 'Casino_Plaza' in your newly created world.


    Alternatively, I play on the PREGEN10K map with the POI placed in a specific location in the desert.


    You can download that modified map under the miscellaneous files on the Nexus mod page.


    Lastly, you can add the POI to any existing map using the World Editor.

  11. Thanks for the suggestion.


    I went into the character creation screen and I'm able to customize a look which I'd like to export to my NPCs but I've got no idea where the data is stored for that kind of stuff - had a quick look in the %appdata% folder, couldn't find anything.

    If the archetypes for new characters is saved somewhere I could just copy and paste that info into my archetypes.xml in my mod

  12. Hi all,


    In my mod I have a bunch of NPCs, and I want to customize each one unqiuely.


    At the moment my method is making minor changes in archetypes.xml, loading up the world, and looking to see the changes, exiting the world, making another minor adjustment, starting up the world, looking to see the changes etc


    This takes up a lot of time!!!


    Is there anything out there similar to a char creator where I can see the changes realtime? Doing it this way I could be done with all my customizations within an hour. My current method will takes weeks - but I usually lose interest or get tediously bored and move onto something else.

  13. Hey guys, a quick update!


    I developed this mod in single-player only and had never tested it on a dedicated server until today. Within about 5 minutes I noticed a bug with the NPCs - some of them were in a spawnpoint loop, which made the POI unplayable because of framerate drop.

    I figured out the problem (within utilityai.xml) and patched it. The latest version (1.2) won't have this problem.


    For players with an existing world using older versions of the mod the only workaround I can think of would be a chunk reset - but that encompasses a 512x512 area so use with caution.


    Please continue to post bug reports as it helps me out massively to develop the mod and make improvements!


    Thanks for the support it has had so far and the comments 

  14. Hey all,


    I have been troubleshooting this for about 5 hours, no matter what I have searched and tried nothing seems to be working.


    What I am trying to do is have a map - which I have added 1 POI too - onto my dedicated server to be playable.


    I have a nitrado server.

    I have edited the PREGEN10K map to include 1 extra custom POI, then saved it.

    This saves as "PREGEN10k_UserCopy" in \AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\ on my C drive.

    So far, so good.

    In nitrado, I make sure the server is stopped.

    I then upload the PREGEN10K_UserCopy folder into "/7daystodie/Saves" on the server.


    In nitrado, I go into Config files and change the GameWorld to reflect this:


     <property name="GameWorld" value="PREGEN10k_UserCopy"/>


    I also change the GameName to WorldEditor, which is what the folder inside PREGEN10K_UserCopy is named:


     <property name="GameName" value="WorldEditor"/>


    I save everything and start the server.


    Nothing happens. It says in Nitrado and the server is online but hours later when I connect via IP it says initializing still. I tried uninstalling and starting again, same result.
    I tried other maps from the dropdown list in Nitrado and they all load within minutes.


    Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong? 🙃

  15. You've collected the tokens, now come and spend them!

    Duke's Casino is a heavily guarded fortress where the adventurous and megarich come to unwind.

    The casino is surrounded by a high metal wall and guarded 24/7 by the toughest SOBs in Navezgane, so you can feel warm and safe inside the casino walls.

    Inside you will find working slot machines of different wealth levels, as well as three different roulette tables.

    There are various NPCs inside to make you feel at home too.

    This casino has everything you might find in a typical casino *hint hint*

    The NPCs also sell various items.

    Although the NPCs act as traders, the POI has no trader protection and is open 24/7.

    Every locked door in the POI has a trigger which opens it - you just have to find out where that trigger is...


    Please report any bugs/problems you find.


    This mod was a year in the making.
    I am NOT a seasoned modder - a lot of this was a learning experience for me!

    The user experience of this mod takes place predominantly via XUi - which is an area that I'm not too familiar with... if you are using a mod which alters the XUi this mod might be incompatible.

    Aligning the various interfaces was a painstaking process that took several weeks of incremental refinement!
    With this in mind, any modders out there that look at the code and see redundant parts please feel free to reply here to help me improve it.

    With this proviso I may be slow to patch any major bugs.



    Game version: a21.2 (b30) - Install client and server side.


    Mod version: 1.4 - Released: 01/02/24

    - Fixed Gambling Book 3 icon visual (was showing as unread after reading)

    - Badchap slots overhaul:
        - All models changed, one generic model now used for all
        - Bets changed, each machine now has the same betting amounts
        - New interfaces for each machine
        - Mechanism of winning changed, players will now receive a briefcase of winnings, and nothing if they lose
        - New "Big Win" buff added, which is triggered when a player opens their briefcase (can be heard by all in the area)
        - Odds and jackpots have been altered

    - Resources:
        - Obsolete models removed (old slot models)
        - Xmas and Halloween models removed
        - New jackpot sound added (applied to briefcase and mystery loot box opening)
    - POI:
        - Xmas and Halloween blocks completely removed
        - Slight changes to VIP area
        - Old Badchap slots replaced with new model blocks
        - Second POI added into the PREFABS folder, designed by Badchap
        - Name of original POI changed to reflect addition of new variant
    - casinoCoins stack reverted from 50k to 20k (vanilla stack amount)
    - Blue Chips renamed to Platinum Tokens
    - Platinum Tokens craftable with 20k casinoCoins (instead of 50k), and now stack at 20k themselves.
    - Platinum Tokens are no longer sellable to traders (possible infinite money exploit when players got rich enough)
    - Platinum Tokens are now the only currency used on the VIP slot machines
    - Roulette tables changed from 20, 2000 and 20k bets to 10, 25 and 100
    - 1 in 6 vehicle roll machine output changed - players will now receive a token which they can redeem at the token exchange (changed for realism)
    - New block added: old token exchange machine
    - NPC Mongo now sells counterfeit or "old" mystery loot tokens
    - General slot odds changed to 1 in 15
    - General slot win amount changed to fixed amount, which varies depending on stake
    - VIP slots odds changed:
        - 20k bet: 1 in 10 chance of winning
        - 0.1% chance of winning jackpot (1 million coins)
        - 40k bet: 1 in 8 chance of winning
        - 0.125% chance of winning jackpot
        - 80k bet: 1 in 6 chance of winning
        - 0.16% chance of winning jackpot
    - General code cleanup
    - Rewritten the HOW TO INSTALL text file for both rwg and existing map installation


    Mod version: 1.3 - Released: 26/11/23

    - Fixed a couple of blocks in the POI (block missing outside owners room, block on gaming floor under slot stool not painted)
    - Changed the rentable vending machines in the POI to the fuctioning blocks (used incorrect blocks in initial build)
    - Overhaul of the Mystery Loot Box items...
        - There are now 3 tier levels:
        - 1 Star: 1 random weapon from quality 1-6
        - 2 Star: 1 random weapon from quality 3-6
        - 3 Star: 1 random weapon from quality 5-6
    - Added new item "Mystery Loot Token", used to redeem the loot boxes. Item can be found throughout loot in the world (mailboxes), meaning mystery loot boxes can no longer be purchased, only redeemed by finding these tokens.
    - Removed XP gain from all machines EXCEPT the elite machines in VIP area... feedback was that players were levelling too quickly just by gambling.
    - Slight alterations to recipes.xml (nerfed the Roll a 6 machine)
    - Slight graphical change to Elite Slot interface
    - New block + interface created especially for Mystery loot boxes to be redeemed
    - POI interior altered slightly

    - NEW slot machine added for Christmas which uses snowballs as currency


    Mod version: 1.2.1 - Released: 07/11/23

    - Converting Blue Chips back to Duke's was bugged. Instead of re-converting players can now sell the blue chips with a mark-up.
    - Edited a few minor details in items.xml, recipes.xml
    - Fixed an issue affecting players using wide resolution whereby the queue was visible. Affecting files: XUi/controls.xml, XUi/windows.xml


    Mod version: 1.2 - Released: 05/11/23

    - Patch fix for issue with some NPCs creating a spawnpoint


    Mod version: 1.1 - Released: 31/10/23

    - Books added: Gambling Vol 1-3.

    - Added new model: Halloween slot machine.

    - Altered existing Badchap slots background images.

    - Cleaned up code, removed redundant/experimental sections of code.


    Mod version: 1 - Released: 28/10/23















  16. 3 hours ago, Camiracundus said:

    Would you be up for possibly helping with a new issue?


    I've tried adding this recipe to the game;

    <append xpath="/recipes">

    <recipe name="Apple Pie" count="1" craft_time="2" craft_area="campfire">
                <ingredient name="Sliced Apples" count="6"/>
                <ingredient name="Flour" count="2"/>
                <ingredient name="foodEgg" count="1"/>
                <ingredient name="resourceAnimalFat" count="1"/>
                <ingredient name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="1"/>



    And it does exist just fine - but I have to search for it manually in order to get it to show up in a campfire. Is there a way to get it to show up automatically along with the already existing recipes such as the boiled eggs and charred meat?

    This sounds like a grouping issue.

    In items.xml find the corresponding item (Apple Pie), and add it to the specific group



    <property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking,CFFood/Cooking"/>


  17. 22 hours ago, Cranberry Monster said:

    In sounds.xml, have you set a time for how soon the noise is removed (as per the notes at the top of that file)? I haven't really tried anything like this, but I think if you set it to time="1", you might see it end quickly. Or maybe not--just spitballing here. As for the playing in rapid succession problem, there's also a MaxRepeatRate that can be set. That sounds like a promising way to possibly keep from being inundated with the same sound repeatedly in quick succession.

    I've been testing this method, I created a sound file which is 2 minutes long to test with.

    Then set the 'OpenSound' property in blocks.xml to use this sound whenever the workstation is opened.


    I've found that adjusting the 'time' setting in sounds.xml does nothing, also the MaxRepeatRate doesn't have any effect on it either, it seems.

    It plays out the entire 2 minute sound file each time, even when I leave the area.


    Then I was thinking, is there something in buffs maybe that I could use instead, perhaps use the action 'PlaySound' when the workstation is opened and 'StopSound' when the workstation is closed, but I can't find anything to trigger with... there is no workstationopen/workstationclose trigger.



  18. On 8/26/2023 at 6:57 PM, ThunderSn1per said:

    Hello all,


    I have been working on creating a new POI and wanted to add my own custom quest to this. It is technically slightly different and I've added the Quest Tag in the prefab properties, however, I am not sure how to add the tag to the quests.xml file as I can only find reference to "extra_tags" used as a property and a variable (when the quest uses another as a template)


    I can't seem to get this work and am not sure if I am simply missing something? The quest tag would render this quest only available at my POI which is the intent.

    Did you find a solution to this? I have a custom quest which I have created in a POI but I have no idea how even change the text from "Test Quest", it doesn't seem to be located anywhere

  19. Hi all,


    Just wondering if this is possible at all.


    Ideally what I am trying to get is when a player opens a workbench a sound plays - maybe on a loop - although for now just a sound would be a good starting point.

    The sound then stops playing when a player exits the workbench.

    If the player opens the workbench again the sound starts over from the beginning.

    I have tried it using the 'OpenSound' property in blocks.xml but I've found in testing the problem is if I quickly open and close the workbench lets says 10 times in 5 seconds the sound plays 10 times so it's an unpleasant cacophony of noise. Also, for example a 30 second sound plays in it's entirety even if the player exits the workbench after 10 seconds.

    I'm just wondering if the request is possible or if there are any mods with similar functionality I could take a look at and adapt?



  20. 1 hour ago, LittleRedSonja said:

    Oh wow a casino!? I always wanted to play a map that was all desert and a big city, sort of apocalypse in Las Vegas, that would fit perfect! 🥰

    And thank you for the suggestions, I hope I will learn more with a little practice and make more complex stuff 💜


    Yes! I've already got the slots working, just changing the interface, also have got roulette tables 😀

  21. Hi there, nice mod!


    This is how I started learning - very simple modifications at first, then if I wanted to do something but didn't know how I'd look for similar fuctionality in the xml or borrow ideas from others.
    Eventually, it expanded so much that we released it as a mod: 

    I'm locked out of that account now (email no longer exists), but I'm currently working on a new mod, which is a Casino with working slot machines.

    Keep going with your mod!

    I will look forward to seeing future updates 

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