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Posts posted by MagisterMundi

  1. 11 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

    You should be getting a better framerate.


    I think uninstalling some/all of the junkware on your machine would help.



    Unfortunately, all of the ASUS/ROG stuff is baked into my BIOS, courtesy of this being a laptop. While I can remove them temporarily, it usually causes system instability, since those programs control things like APU/GPU mode switching, power profiles, etc. The other half of the programs, meanwhile, are part of my ability to access my workplace network if I need to work from home. About the only things I could uninstall would be the Origin stuff and the Razer stuff, but I do still use Origin to launch some games that haven't made it to Steam, and I only use the Razer stuff to close background processes while gaming (plus I have a Razer mouse). All non-essential Razer services are prohibited from auto-starting, so fortunately not a huge resource drain.


    No, I think the main reason behind my mediocre framerate is twofold: the fact that this game isn't optimized yet and won't be until/if it goes gold, and the fact that I'm using laptop components, so my processor and GPU are both less capable than their desktop counterparts. Ah, well. 40 FPS in general gameplay and 30 FPS during blood moons is fine for me. Only time I really struggle is when I'm in huge POIs like Higashi Pharma, but even then it's playable, if not pleasant.

  2. As the subject suggests, after a recent Windows update and NVIDIA driver update done at around the same time, the game is unplayable due to an average FPS of about 4. This single-digit framerate persists in the menu, during save loading, and during gameplay itself. It doesn't matter if I start a new game, load a save game, join a multiplayer game, etc. In fact, interestingly, my framerate doesn't really change at all regardless of what I do. Prior to these two updates, I was averaging around 40 FPS during general play, dipping to around 30ish during blood moons or in highly populated POIs, and about 100+ in the menu. Completely vanilla A21 install.

    Fixes I've tried so far with no success:

    -Restarted the game
    -Tried running the game with EAC off
    -Tried each of the rendering options (DirectX 11, GLCore, Vulkan)
    -Tried running in both borderless fullscreen and standard fullscreen
    -Set all graphical settings to their lowest settings
    -Restarted the computer
    -Verified the integrity of the game cache/files through Steam (all files successfully validated)
    -Completely cleaned my client (deleted every trace of the game, including registry files, and did a clean reinstall)
    -Added the game to my Windows Security exceptions list
    -Re-installed my GPU drivers with a clean install (have not re-installed the Windows update, as it was a core system update that cannot be easily rolled back)
    -Double-checked that my power settings haven't been changed (they haven't)
    -Manually set the NVIDIA driver settings for the game to favor performance

    I should also note that it is only 7 Days to Die that is having this issue. Every other game I play is working without issue (Apex Legends, Barotrauma, Wartales, Stellaris, a few others). It does indeed appear to actually be a specific issue with 7 Days to Die, not my computer in general. 

    I unfortunately did not think to grab the log file before the clean reinstall of the client, but here's the log from my attempt to run the game after my clean reinstall: https://pastebin.com/nDaiRjvK

    My system info via Speccy, meanwhile, can be found here: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/cxI8Nb0mAZwEi6YjvggBbCr

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