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Everything posted by flyth

  1. It hasn't been posted anywhere, yet (we didn't take the time to separate into several mods and publish, since there was not much interested), but it's still up-to-date and we're actively using it (except from the Harvest part). Which part(s) are you interested in?
  2. Hey all, we've played 7d2d almost since "release" as PVE with friends & family and have always modded it with QoL things if possible (applying stuff from these forums or writing our own). We never released any of our own mods, yet, but if there's interest, we would clean up the code and publish to give something back. Right now, from what we've built, I think the most interesting things to other players could be: * Auto-sorting boxes: you label one or more storage boxes as "INBOX" and everything put in there will be moved to other near storage boxes that already contain the same item * Catch-Up XP: since it's common in our group to skip gaming nights, we've made it so that if you're a couple of levels behind, your XP gain is boosted automatically until you reach 2-3 levels below the player with the highest level * Harvest mod: if you harvest crops and have a box labelled "HARVEST" nearby, all other nearby harvestable plants will be auto-harvested and re-planted; loot is adjusted to match what you would get if doing it manually; this is still in progress and being updated to the latest Alpha, though All of those mods run server side only, so clients don't need to install anything. Let me know if one or more of those functions are of interest to you and we'll extract and upload them.
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