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Posts posted by Leviathan

  1. it was a surprise seeing things much taller lol luckily messing with the xml i assumed it was 100% something i did, that makes sense having to get into unity and that's foreign territory for me lol. i haven't tried again yet life's been a bit crazy and i haven't had much time for games, the way i used the file was pulling the main file that had the config and modinfo files within and dropping it directly into the games mod folder.  i'll shoot you a message once ive been able to test it again.

  2. You"re welcome i cant stand the vanilla game and some of the devs decisions kinda takes away from the meaning of a sandbox game. and yeah they were funny looking when they were smooshed lol. i'll try again with the R8 and R35  I installed them the same as the raptor and the 3 series but they didn't show up in the creative menu with and without the dev option and i looked through the xml to make sure i was searching the appropriate name and i couldn't see anything out of the ordinary but again ill give it another shot and also try it on a fresh save save as well. I appreciate the help. trying to learn how to mod myself but with very little and pretty much no experience besides editing xml i find myself lost a lot lol especially with unity and figuring out assets. like with the Raptor i added "ScaleSize" .8 and it was spot on for the size buuuuut the interaction was off and when i got out of the truck i was about 1 block tall lmao after reloading it was fine but still funny maybe an idea for a grounded style mod later idk lol

  3. I really enjoy the mod and use the 3 series BMW as my main vehicle, my question is could the raptor be scaled down to around 80% to fit the environment a bit better the model is spot on but it looks huge next to the homes and in the garage for me anyways. also i could not get the R35 to work or the R8 any advice on that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for the mods its a large factor to why i even play this game still.

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