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Posts posted by splonk

  1. oh thank you so much again!! that gave me enough to fix my issue, i actually wanted to replace both, but i was missing the /effect_group/ section because i'm a dope and couldn't wrap my head around the xpath formatting. thank you again, every time i use my new knuckle wraps to punch a zombie so hard their head explodes i'll think of you and your kindness

  2. thanks a ton! i fooled around a little (i couldn't get the remove/insert commands to work so i just used "set", which seemed to work fine) and i'm halfway there, quite literally - i'm currently rocking leather knuckles on my right hand and the steel knuckles mesh on my left. both using the leather animations, at least.

    i see that there's a bit in the xml with a triggered effect that seems to cause the left hand to equip its own mesh, but my modding knowledge is limited to copying and pasting, so i've no clue how to swap the left hand mesh. here's that snippet from the steel knuckles:


    		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AddPart" part="LeftKnuckles" prefab="@:Other/Items/Weapons/Melee/Knuckles/knucklesSpikedLeft_Prefab.prefab" parentTransform="Propjoint" localPos="0,0,0" localRot="0,0,0">
    			<requirement name="IsFPV"/>
    		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStart" action="AddPart" part="LeftKnuckles" prefab="@:Other/Items/Weapons/Melee/Knuckles/knucklesSpikedLeft_Prefab.prefab" parentTransform="LeftHand" localPos="-0.1171,0.004,-0.0187" localRot="-30.53241,-11.3179,135.1055">
    			<requirement name="!IsFPV"/>
    		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEquipStop" action="RemovePart" part="LeftKnuckles"/>


    again, i have absolutely zero knowledge here, so... should i use "set" again? and if so, how do i format that line? this section is different enough from the other code that my wild guessing and random attempts have so far yielded no results.


    thanks again, you're an absolute superstar and i hope to someday possess one hundredth of your ability

  3. so after 230 hours of exclusively punching zombies, the steel knuckles mesh is no longer as funny as it once was and i want to replace it with something less annoying/obtrusive. i was thinking of just replacing it with the leather knuckles mesh since i like the animations better anyway, but i have no idea how to do that and haven't found a straightforward guide. is this something that can be done with a simple xml edit, and if so, can someone walk me through it?



  4. On 6/18/2023 at 3:32 AM, swmeek said:

    Thanks for that but I just turned them all off in the config files .

    hi, how do i do this? i looked at the xmls but my knowledge is lacking so i couldn't figure out how to just turn the sfx off.


    i mostly love this mod and the rings mod, it's just the sounds are so annoying/unnecessary but the mod itself is really fun (though some balance would be welcome, they're either mostly balanced for the hardest difficulty or just way op lol)

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