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Posts posted by H7dek7

  1. Something strange happened during, or rather after the 14th night. Zombies didn't stop spawning. The 14th night's horde (including behemoths, purple zombies, zombie bears etc.) didn't end when the night ended. They spawned and spawned and spawned... and behaved as it were night time (i.e. all zombies were running instead of walking). We played for few in-game hours into the day to see if they would stop spawning, but they didn't. We had to restart the server to make them stop. It happened only after the 14th night. 7th night was normal.


    7DTD A21.2 DF 5.0.1, multiplayer game, self-hosted server, SuperCity21DFPEP map, no errors/warnings in the console.

  2. On 9/22/2023 at 3:03 AM, Kurosagi said:

    Have a question, not sure if it's a bug.


    Playing on 21.1, happened on B23 and B24.


    Got trader Jen, did first quests, got sent off on the trader quest, up to that point, everything was fine but the following day, I was expecting quest tier to increase but they stay stuck on tier 1.


    Just came back to DF after a year or so, am I not remembering something correctly or is my game borked?



    A21.1 B22 here. Finished 1st Open Trade Route quest. After that there were still Tier 1 quests only. After 2 another quests completed there were Tier 2 quests. It looks as if the Open Trade Route quests either have nothing to do with Tier advancement or it isn't the only requirement.

  3. 8 hours ago, WIKKIDJOKER said:

    @H7dek7Demons spawn depending on difficulty, radiated zombie aswell but will always spawn at night, crops need water/irrigation to grow, my WRS kept putting us close but not in radiated zone on tier one, either version of a21 was working, and i believe light armor doesnt require quietness as its cloth, could be wrong


    Thanks for the answers. We don't have problems with demonic/radiated zombies spawning, but is it intended for a trader to be like a magnet for demons? Are demons scripted to camp at trader's? Does "crops need water" work like in A13 and previous patches (i.e. make your farm near a lake)? Regarding WRS, all 5 quests available for me (kill nurses/cable guys/tourists) were almost in the same spot (300-400 meters north from the trader) - if it's intended, it should be changed, because in our case it meant radiated zone.

  4. B21, bugs (or features?) encountered:


    1. Can't attach Muffled Connectors Mod to any part of armor (the icon is grey, not green). Tried only with light armor (e.g. padded boots, padded hood).


    2. Crops don't grow. 3 days have passed since I finished farmer quests and none of the quest crops have advanced (i.e. they are still "seeds"). Same story with mushroom seeds planted the same day as the farmer quest crops. Is it required to do something with the crops to make them grow?


    3. Double death from policemen. It happened to me and other ppl playing my map (one of your pregens). If a policeman blows us up (fire attack), we spawn on our beds and die instantly again.


    4. Radiated zombies since day 1. At the end of day 1 (120 mins long) we encountered radiated zombies.


    5. Trader has demonic friends. Since day 2 the trader in our vicinity has 1-3 demonic zombies either inside the POI (e.g. in the medical tent) or right outside the fence. Even if we lure them far away, they come back to the trader in few hours. Taking and returning quests is much more lethal than doing the quests.


    6. Medical trader gives quests almost always in radiated zone near a portal. We're a group of 4, doing Tier 1 quests (kill nurses, kill tourists etc.), but usually we can do at most 1-2 quests (out of 4 ppl x 5 available quests!), because almost all of the quests are in radiated zone near a portal.


    Which version is required to play B22? A21.1 or A21.2?

  5. 3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    We're considering having jars be a 50% return chance.

    The reason for that is because constantly heated/cooled glass eventually shatters, so it's the best way we could think of to do that.

    As an example, I have tossed a room temp glass into the washing up bowl, added hot water, cleaned it, let it drain, then picked it up when cool and it's just shattered in my hand.

    So old glass jars SHOULD have a chance to do that. :) Also it should make both camps of players happy. Those who want it back, and those who don't due to inventory clutter.


    While I agree with the reasoning "to make all ppl happy", glass jars (whether old or new) don't shatter that much. My family makes a lot of fruits/veggies/mushrooms in jars and only about 2-3% of jars break (momstly in the dishwasher).

  6. 1 hour ago, Uncle Al said:

    the RNG does really, really hate you

    I think so. In the water topic I read there's abundance of water and food everywhere. Yesterday evening I went 2 days in a row (and a night in between) looting. Loot ratio 200%. In-game day = 120 real-life minutes. 22 hours of daylight. And I couldn't find food/drinks at all. I had to drink and eat from base supplies instead of drinking and eating from loot found (what I normally did before A21).

  7. I'm a fan of both LBD and LBR. What I'm not a fan off is splitting/separating a playstyle between multiple playstyles and progression gates. There's absolutely no reason to glue perks like LotL to stats. Reading farming magazines should be enough to be a productive farmer. LBD could enhance farming skill (speed, stamina usage, efficiency etc.). Stat tree could also benefit farming (again, speed, stamina usage etc.), but you shouldn't have to spend points in fortitude to learn LotL. Same story with other crafting/practical skills. The first LBD system was good, because one could progress a skill by both spending skill points and practicing the skill (although IMO practicing made progress too fast and made spending skill points obsolete). Later implemented book sets gave new, additional perks, not necessary to advance, and it was also cool. Now, when magazines spawn very randomly, after many in-game days many players run in steel armors, with firearms, but without any access to a workbench, or with bicycle only on day 40 (see other topics). Maybe the magazines should be more available (e.g. more book stores, book vending machines, books available more often at traders)?


    As for co-op experience, there are multiple types of co-players. For instance, my current team consist of me and 3 other ppl from our usual pack and we all bring books and magazines and ask "did anyone learn cooking already? may I read cooking magazines?". But in A20 and previous versions we used to play with a fifth friend, who often came to the base, read everything he could without asking, didn't bring any books and the progress of others was slowed down (he had some positive traitstoo, it's not that he was toxic or anything). So even among friends it could be difficult to be the cooking mommy, the miner/base builder or the farmer (i.e. not scavenging/looting/exploring type). A21 rewards gung-ho scavengers, there is no balance anymore.

  8. I'm a fan of stealth playstyle, but I agree it's OP in A21. Day 5: 3/5 bows + 3/5 hidden strike + primary bow + stone arrow = one-hit most of the zombies (even the fat ones). On the other hand, it's more difficult to go ninja-mode in a POI, because more zombies are behind obstacles and now zombies trigger-spawn awaken (see other topic).

  9. I agree there is a problem with water. In A20 whenever I went looting, I almost always got something to drink during whole day of looting. Now, having loot set to 200%, day to 120 real-life minutes and daylight set to 22 hours, I almost always find no drinks and no food. Fortunatelly I play with 2-3 friends and they went questing, so we have 3 water machines after 5 days, but I always end up coming back for the night starving and dehydrated. Combine it with broken farming in A21 and it just sucks...

  10. 2 hours ago, Scyris said:


    Oh don't give me that, if a single modder can do it in a short time (less than a week working an hour or 2 a day or so), tfp has no excuse.


    I 100% agree. Most if not all TFP's excuses have been debunked by the modding community. Until A20 I haven't used mods in 7DTD, but had to just because of farm plots. For me playing survival games is all about immersion. Each and every big update 7DTD goes further away from simulation and closer to arcade. I've been playing 7DTD since the single digits (A7 I think) and since A17 I'm more reluctant every time my friends want to come back to this game.

  11. 2 hours ago, CapnCookie said:

    I'm not sure if it's changed, but I haven't gotten a single seed back for any of the crops I've planted in A21e.

    That's exacty my experience. From 3 berry bushes planted by me I've got 0 seeds. But, from 20+ mushrooms I've got seeds from all but one. That's when I began checking skills and found out farming skill isn't connected to the farming magazine LOL. It's still LotL, which I haven't invested a single point in. After investing all points in LotL my farming progress is almost none. After 2 rounds of crops gathering my field would be the same size if not for cattle food bags (corn seed) found on one of the farms in the village. Farming is pointless at this point. I usually play with my wife and 2-3 online friends and I'm usually the farmer of the group. In previous versions after 2-3 weeks we were self-sustaining thanks to our big farm. Now we all have to hunt/loot/buy food to stay alive.

  12. For instance, I need to read farming magazines to learn how to make seeds. Ok, it makes sense. But at the same time I won't learn how to make more crops. I thought the idea was to separate practical (i.e. crafting, cooking etc.) skills from combat skills, but apparently no. I still have to invest my skill points to fortitude and farming. It has no logic at all. The first progress system I remember (i.e. what you do is what you develop, e.g. chopping trees makes you better at chopping trees) was the best and I don't get it why it was replaced. But the second system, for better or worse at least had some logic. The A21 system is both dumb and not practical.

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