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Posts posted by raketemensch

  1. To be clear, this isn't a complaint. It's weirdly immersive.


    I got to what I believe was the very last mob in Higashi Pharmaceutical and was maybe 4 or 5 shotgun shells short of survival. Even with Pummel Pete 5 and maxed club speed I couldn't survive.


    So, I spawned near my backpack, gathered enough wood to make a level 5 club and fought my way back into the building. Everything went fine until I mis-stepped in the elevator shaft and plummeted to the bottom. There's a broken hole on one side of the shaft, but I can't fit through it even locked into a crouch. There's a ladder heading up, but it's broken at the top. I managed to break the broken piece off with my club, but it wore the club down to almost nothing and I have no wood to repair it. I could possibly jump to the next section of ladder up the shaft, but it also has a broken piece at the bottom that would need to be removed, and I don't have the materials to repair the club or anything to break it.


    Also, the last time I tried to climb up there I fell and broke my leg.


    This could potentially be stupidly frustrating, but story-wise it's kind of amazing -- I fell down an elevator shaft after the apocalypse and broke my leg, and now I can't climb out. I'm stuck here and starving and my only solution is suicide.

  2. I'd just started playing the game on a20 about a month ago with some friends, and the broken voice chat in a21 reeeeeeeally sucks for the way we play. Not everyone has Discord, and Mumble is a pain in the ass on Macs, so it was really nice to have voice chat built into the game.


    Since I'm new to the game, I'm not sure what the development cycles are like. What're the odds that the voice chat gets fixed reasonably soon vs having to wait ages for a22?

  3. I personally would love to have a still for distilling water to make it drinkable or for making booze. I can grow corn, I can get water, I can boil things, so just let me ferment the corn first!


    But seriously, distilling water would be fun.


    Also, use corn for whiskey, looted jars of molasses for rum and potatoes for vodka. Maybe work honey in for bonus effects.

  4. A big part of looting games is the reward that you feel when you open a box. A great example of this in a21 is checking a toilet — water is everything, paper is mostly useless, so you have a 50/50 shot. That little dopamine hit is what makes people keep playing.


    If you remove the less-useful things from the loot tables and it’s all-bonanza-all-the-time then the game will lose some of its luster and one of its main reward systems. As it is right now I feel like the magazine system is a little too highly-tuned and I’m finding what I’m looking for too easily.

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