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Posts posted by Momonation

  1. On 9/15/2023 at 2:32 PM, OneManStanding said:

    Texture Quality under Quality in the Video Settings - turn it up. Your optimal graphic settings can depend on your PC hardware -- a list of those can really help, wither you are running a powerful pc or something less powerful. Also, you might want to post a request like this here: General Support - 7 Days to Die to get a better response :)


    well tnx guys for the help! i´ll check it step by step out :)

  2. Hi Leuts,


    kann mir jmd dabei helfen die beste Grafik Einstellung für mich zu finden. Ich habe schon einiges zu der Framerate gelesen, hab auch alles runter gestellt. Nun will ich aber nich alles so weit runter schrauben dass ich noch nicht mal die Aufschrift von ner Gas n pass o workinsstiff Kiste erkennen kann. Weiß jmd was ich dafür dann wieder hoch schrauben muss?


    Vielen Dank Jungs! :)



    Hi guys,

    Can anyone help me find the best graphics setting for me? I've already read a lot about the frame rate, how to boost performance and have also turned everything down. Now I don't want to scale everything down so much that I can't even see the label on a gas n pass o workinsstiff box. Does anyone know what I have to change to at least see the labels clearly? Like nothing else, just that one stting so i can see the labels better.


    tnx guys! :)





  3. 7 hours ago, Apocalipservice said:

    Sorry if it's been brought up but are cooking pots rare in the wilderness POIs including cabins? My partner and I were separated by a few KMs and hit around a dozen POIs apart and together but no pots. Loved all the POIs along the long roads - really impressed by some and even the plain cabins look great inside now. So dunno if it was bad luck, cabins don' have pots, or what. [Brutal first game w/ my first "purposeful" dysentery but it was fun.]

    i though so too. but they do come, i just have the feeleing not as much. and as allways :D ... when you have one, you get a lot more of them too

  4. 22 hours ago, Fox said:

    Well, to be fair, the game has been out for 10 years. You'd think a streamer who plays games for a living would know how to play by now.


    I personally rarely have patience for live streamers because it just seems like most of them are clueless when it comes to the majority of games.


    I'll be going into this update mostly blind. I know bandits are still not implemented yet for whatever reason and that the devs still haven't made up their minds yet on the stuff they implemented years ago and re-adjusted the same stuff yet again. But aside from that, I don't know if anything new and interesting got added to the game. I'll find out when I play.

    i geuss youll like it! :)

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