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Posts posted by DDDX

  1. 3 hours ago, Javabean867 said:

    There are literal governments that won't allow a game to be released in their country if it has children(in any form) being harmed.  

    Name one. I am having a really hard time remembering a zombie game that DOESN'T have kid zombies in it. As stated, there are even mutant BABIES in The forest. Last time I checked the Steam reviews were, what, "Overwhelmingly positive"? If other games haven't seen that as a problem, why should this one?


    But we are repeating ourselves here. Let's agree to disagree & move on.

  2. Any animal or zombie can be made into looking like we haven't skipped 20% of the entire population when making zombie models?


    This is called cherrypicking other's arguments to make your own seem stronger, while it's not.  But by all means, feel free to repeat for the 3 rd time yours, it's really gonna be constructive.


    Fun fact (also spoiler), the final boss in The forest is a little girl, 10 y.o.max. mutates into a big monster. Haven't seen any torches and pitchforks burning that studio down.

  3. 2 reasons.

    Variety is the spice of life.

    If a city is infested with zombies, if hordes of them come in swarms...then it's strange that there aren't those among them that made 20% of the population.


    Second reason is possibilities. We don't need just another zombie. Kids could be much faster + smaller = harder to spot and hit.  Dying light for example made them non-combattants but instead they spawned (attracted) swarms of grown-ups (result? You were terrified of a small zombie that lacked the ability to even attack you).


    Consider the possibilities that a zombie kid could act as an advanced "Screamer" type - turns all zombies around it into ferals if allowed to scream.  Or they could be silent and faster and give you a guaranteed 5% infection with every hit. Or they could be so mutated that they don't even hit you,but if they come within your range they blow up like zombie cops...


    Each of these would make you change the way you play around them. I feel like there's more room for something small & nasty (though zombie dogs fit that role well).


    We can go "Bigger is better", but...challenges can come in small packages if they're made smart.


  4. Ok, the trees being a performance problem did not ocure to me as a potential issue.

    However the only time I see a drop is with god rays in sunrise/sunset.

    Besides, things could be fixed by giving us smaller, young trees that are way simpler and skinnier, then after 5-6 days they grow into bigger trees.

    I hate planting a seed in the morning and seeing a huge tree in a day or 2. Just doesn't sit right.


    As for children...come on! I can set mutant crawling shrieking BABIES on fire, in The forest, i can (and absolutely must) kill a passive, non attacking, crying shrieking zombie child in Dying light (cause it invites tons of zombies)...to name a few, but god forbid we had something like that here? Ever played other zombie games? 

    Fine, make it mutated as f**k, unresembling a human, disfigured I don't care. Kinda humanoid-like. Lorewise, blame it on the increased metabolism of kids, resulted in more mutations. Could even be made into a newspaper, like we have littered on the floor: "deadly virus mutates children the fastest"


    Would THAT be ok to kill or are we still too sensitive?


    ...god damn...from getting bonuses for artistic impression for running over whole families in Carmageddon, we came to this. Funny how I've never felt the urge to drive over real life pedestrians, from playing that game.

  5. Damn. My shame knows no bounds.

    Have migrated the above written to Pipe dreaming, feel free to delete both this and my above entry.


    Looking forward to a21 and wasting them through the door, that'll be a big difference

  6. Greetings & salutations. New player here, 1.st playthrough with GF terrified of zombies, day 90ish in progress. Have yet to find the elusive crucible.


    1. Biting zombies. I'd love seeing some Either as a special type ("Gnawler") or as a %chance heavy attack/normal attack when they come too close. Guaranteed infection + bigger damage.


    2. Why is there sooo many bones/skins? I mean, is there anyone lacking them...like ever?


    3. Trees should not grow so fast. I understand some biomes are lacking in trees, but come on. This way you'd have to plan ahead more


    4. Any chance for:


    A. zombie kids? (Smaller, weaker, faster). If Dying light can have them...maybe they'd be of the biting kind - easy to kill but fast moving + infectious if they bite you.


    B. Random zombie appearance (as in, different hairstyles, attire...I guess that would take some coding, since now they are just textures and this would make them...modular? How difficult would this be to make? How CPU intensive?)


    C. Fire being used more effectively? For example, flamethrower traps that use gasoline, methods of lighting zombies up for longer periods/more hp loss (cause right now the burning shaft mod is kinda pathetic). Seeing how now we have fire implemented, would be a shame not to use it more. Dare I say flamethrower?


    D. More non - humanoid threats? For example spiders, something in the water to make you want to traverse it asap (zombie electric eel shocking you hehe), and maybe a mole-like threat being unearthed as you dig a mine, the deeper you go the bigger the chance you let one or even a bunch of those critters out... I really love how birds behave, stalking you above before attacking you - or not, they just circle menicingly. Wish there was more wildlife out there, both regular and zombified.


    E. Zombie pheromone. Makes you "invisible" to zombies for x duration. Dropped from high-end targets. Does not work vs animals, and should that happen, wears off vs zombies as well, as soon as you are hit.


    I apologise for the length of this. Hope you find some of it of value.

  7. Greetings & salutations. New player here, 1.st playthrough with GF terrified of zombies, day 90ish in progress.

    Unlike some people here, I'll try to be constructive.


    1. Damn some of you are such spammers/trollers. TL;DR and @%$#ing contests. Admins should get rid of off-topic or semi-off-topic essay writers. 274 pages, could have easily been 50 with 0 loss.


    2. Biting zombies. I'd love seeing some  Either as a special type ("Gnawler") or as a %chance heavy attack/normal attack when they come too close. Guaranteed infection + bigger damage.


    3. Why is there sooo many bones/skins? I mean, is there anyone lacking them...like ever?


    4. Trees should not grow so fast. I understand some biomes are lacking in trees, but come on. This way you'd have to plan ahead more


    5. Any chance for:

    A. zombie kids? (Smaller, weaker, faster). If Dying light can have them...maybe they'd be of the biting kind - easy to kill but fast moving + infectious if they bite you.

    B. Random zombie appearance (as in, different hairstyles, attire...I guess that would take some coding, since now they are just textures and this would make them...modular? How difficult would this be to make? How CPU intensive?)

    C. Fire being used more effectively? For example, flamethrower traps that use gasoline, methods of lighting them up for longer periods/more hp loss (cause right now the burning shaft mod is kinda pathetic). Seeing how now we have fire implemented, would be a shame not to use it more.

    D. More non - humanoid threats? For example spiders, something in the water to make you want to traverse it asap (zombie electric eel shocking you hehe), and maybe a mole-like threat being unearthed as you dig a mine, the deeper you go the bigger the chance you let one or even a bunch of those critters out... I really love how birds behave, stalking you above before attacking you - or not, they just circle menicingly. Wish there was more wildlife out there, both regular and zombified.

    E. Zombie pheromone. Makes you "invisible" to zombies for x duration. Dropped from high-end targets. Does not work vs animals, and should that happen, wears off vs zombies as well, as soon as you are hit.


    I apologise for the length of this. Hope you find some of it of value.

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