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Posts posted by Tothar

  1. Does anybody have any experience adding a mod or two to DF? I wanted to add https://7daystodiemods.com/7-days-to-die-the-rings-of-potential/ but when I load up my server I get a warning that says, "WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "BSG Rings" did not apply:"

    It's been over 10 years since I had any experience coding, but I gather that the loot.xml from the BSG Rings mod is in conflict with the file from DF and so it refuses to load. My interpretation is that means that none of the rings from that mod will show up in the loot tables when they get rolled. Am I on the right track?

  2. 17 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    I believe the mod load order is still based on the folder names on the mods in the "Mods" folder. The "sort order" is basically alphabetical, with numbers being before letters. Im not sure about the sort order of uppercase vs lowercase, but you can usually see how the sort order by viewing the files on a file explorer UI. Usually to get a mod to load "first" you can rename the mod folder to have a number in front of it like "1", and to get it to load last you can put a "z" in front of it. 

    Example: in /Mods



    aMod loads first. to get bMod to load first, rename it to anything "before the letter "a", which the easiest to choose would be to rename it to "1aMod"


    note that some mods that are already named with numbers in the front (like the NPc packs and supporting mods) likely do need to load "first" so of you have any, just make the number in front of the mod name bigger than their numbers, like "9aMod"

    Thanks for the info, I went ahead and renamed the files so that this mod loads first thing after Darkness Falls and I'm still getting the same warning saying that it didn't apply. My best guess is that it was a fluke that I was able to loot a ring in the first place. Anybody have any clue how to make it function with DF? Do I just need to copy and paste the text from this loot.xml into one from DF?

  3. I'm running a Darkness Falls server for me and some friends and when I boot the server I get this error:

    "89.348 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "BSG Rings" did not apply:"


    As has been mentioned previously, it probably has to do with one of the previous mods forcing their version of the loot.xml file to override the one provided by BSG. Does anyone know of a way for me to work around this or copy the code from this mod into whichever mod has priority?


    What's odd is that earlier on in the server I never saw this error and was able to find a couple of rings, but now we're past day 30 and I've added a few mods and taken some out and now I get the error above.


    Is there a way to prioritize this mod to load before others?

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