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Posts posted by Genma

  1. I run Survivalist and have for maybe the last 6 months. And when the whole house went aggro, I walked in the front door by the quest icon. Basically the normal pathing you would do for a clear. It isn't a "Freak Out" issue, and I am fairly decently geared at level 45 with good weapons and armor. But you can't chew through that many when you walk in and they spawn all around you. I saw a few playthroughs were people were having the same issue. Walk into an empty room and close the door. start harvesting things and find 2 or 3 zombies have popped in right next to you.

  2. So far infested quests are pretty much trash. Clear a T2, then reset the quest for infested. Garage with 1 zombie? Now it has 1 regular and 3 feral/rads. And they are all aggro instantly. Hit the quest marker, 4 ferals spawn on top of you. Dead before you can even shoot. Walk in a room, whole house goes instantly aggro. Getting chased by 10+ ferals out of a tier 3 quest is not what I would consider balancing at any level.

  3. So I have a question. Recently I found and repaired an Armored Cobra. Which is totally awesome. Fast, decent fuel...lots of fun. Fast forward like a week and I finally have enough damage on it that it was going to need repairs. UNTIL...I saw that the damage model for it is AWESOME! Basically Ghost Rider's car with the flames coming out of the supercharger. I was wondering what would need to be modified to make that damaged model the permanent model. I am Absolutely NOT a Unity coder, so simple is my friend.





    PS...the vehicles and all the work that went into them is pretty damn awesome. You guys should call TFP and tell them to buy your stuff!


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