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Posts posted by Chikn

  1. 2 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    This is already an option in the game. 




    You can set it anywhere from one to twenty days. It will randomly add or subtract that many days from your set frequency.

    @%$# my bad, I always just assumed that adjusted the length of hordes not when they happen, my bad I'm dumb lol

  2. Right now the only settings for horde nights are once every 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20 and 30 days and then you can also change how long the horde last for which is nice, but I'd love for there to be a random option so you have the stress of never knowing until night comes and the sky goes red.

  3. As we should all know when covid first hit toilet paper was very hard to come across, so I think it could be interesting to have a toilet paper item in the game thats very rare but sells for alot, could also be used to cure dysentery. There could be more valuable/rare versions that have a higher ply level.spacer.png

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