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Posts posted by usabox_san

  1. 56 minutes ago, usabox_san said:

    Why these almost general zombies must be extended from UMAzombie?
    To be clear, it is a setting value that is almost a bug.

    Okay, I found the reason.
    To use archetype, the entity must be an UMA.
    It means this MOD's concept is not suitable general game-play.
    I'm really sorry.
    Hopefully an update to the program will fix this problem.

  2. On 10/16/2022 at 8:37 AM, ErrorNull said:

    yea it's a shortcoming of the UMA system unfortunately. below are other bugs with UMA type zombies that i listed on my main mod page in case you weren't aware:

    • UMA zombies fly amazing distances when struck with a powerful attack. Their physics seem to be more 'floaty' compared to the vanilla zombies. This also results in the occasional zombie getting stuck into nearby walls and bars when explosions and powerful attacks send them rag-dolling overhead. To some this is a bug, to others this is a feature.
    • UMA zombies do not collide with player vehicles whether driven or parked. So the zombies will simply walk right through them. This behavior does not occur with the abandoned POI vehicles that litter the landscape. UMA zombies interact with them like normal. When zombie vehicle collision was added to the vanilla zombies, the devs did not add that feature to the UMA system.
    • UMA zombies don't get shocked when walking into electric fence traps.. not really, at least. It seems that if they are knocked down while on the fence, they will occasionally get shocked! Stun batons behave normally and shock the zombies just fine.
    • UMA zombies do not show the crawling animations when they crawl through the 1 bock spaces. The ability for zombies to crawl through 1 block spaces is fairly recent, but the devs did not implement that update for the UMA system.
    • UMA zombies appear to cause a 'micro-freeze' or stutter in the game each time a set number of them are spawned. This was not the case (or it was very insignificant) in Alpha 19. The number of zombies that trigger this stutter seem to range from 5 to 8. Thus, while exploring POIs and encountering sleeper zombies, or fighting through horde night, there will be a short stutter when every 5th to 8th UMA zombie is spawned in. The severity of the micro-freeze might depend on your system specs, but it's not completely certain at this point.
    • There is a NullReferenceException error that can occur when sleepers are spawning inside POIs. Majority of the incidents are occurring during trader Clear or Fetch quest, and can sometimes even result in a sleeper zombie being spawned invisible - which can be a vanilla or UMA zombie. They can still be killed with traps, grenades, and turrets, and with the right mods installed you can sense their location when crouching. So far, these NRE errors seems to be intermittent and not tied to a specific POI or zombie type. If you encounter this NRE error please take a screenshot, or send me the log, with the POI name and if the error was repeatable later at the same POI. This will help with investigating further.


    the biome bosses and final boss is not complete yet, which is why they do not spawn in the game. you're welcome to experiment with them in dm mode, but their attack strength, attack effects, HP, Experience, body loot, body harvest items, buff effects and special weapon buffs are not implemented yet. these will change once they are ready.

    Why these almost general zombies must be extended from UMAzombie?
    To be clear, it is a setting value that is almost a bug.

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