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Posts posted by Zoothulu

  1. I really like the storage options. I missed the old fridge and storage from previous versions. I also like a lot of the tings from War of The Walkers, so I decided to install it and play again. But it was missing some storage options I liked so I installed this excellent mod. Unfortunately it broke all the WotW storage. Not ether mods fault I am sure, but would it be possible to make a patch or a WotW compatible version. (also uninstalling the mod does not fix WotW, and I am not sure what caused it, so no idea how to fix it)


    It does recognize the old storage containers, but when I go to open them it just stops the game and doesn't bring up the inventory UI, just blank, until you hit Esc to 'close' the container. When I build new WotW containers it doesn't acknowledge that they are containers at all. 

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