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  1. Last version of a mod like this was for A20, but does not seem to work for A21. Can someone create the mod or tell us how to do it? Thanks in advance for the response.
  2. Wait, this does work in A21. I had the folder structure incorrect. Thanks again!
  3. This worked great in Alpha20. I loaded it up in Alpha21 but it doesn't seem to work? Should it? If not, could you re-compile a new version to work with Alpha21 good sir? Thanks if able. And if not, you are still an Ace in my book!
  4. I have determined how to turn all other UI elements off or only have then come on when needed. Toolbar, buffs, food/health - it all fades in 5 seconds unless there is an exception. So, I have managed to sort this out for everything except the silly version number. <boggle> Unfortunately, hiding the UI doesn't do anything besides break the game so is only good for screenshots! </boggle> I appreciate the input, but I'd like a clean UI. I'd pay someone to program it out for me.
  5. Don't get me started on 10 years in Alpha lol. I'd like to see some roadmap for going released. I guess that Alpha is some sort of strategy for TFP? Anyway, the ability to turn off glaring/useless text on my screen shouldn't be this difficult. No point in discussing since the interwebs will just reply with "don't play it then".
  6. Thanks for responding, khzmusik! I feel like it is possible, but not enough people care about it lol. Anyway, I will continue my search.
  7. Can anyone please either create a little mod to do this or tell me how this can be done? Thanks!
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