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Posts posted by tornven2003

  1. ..... So it would probably help if i was using it on A20.5 as recommended in the instructions.... will change this via steam and I think that will fix this... I hope 😅




    This did not work but the amount of messages after the initial message reduced.

  2. Hi I am loading the undead legacy mod for the first time and an error message keeps appearing at the top of the loading screen then the game stops loading without any menu options, error message is:


    2022-11-12T20:04: 16 EXC MissingFieldException: Field 'XUiC_ServersList.serverCounts' not found.


    I am also extremely new to using mods for 7 days to die. Currently using 7 days to die mod launcher by Sphereii as most mods were not working by unzipping the files into a mods folder in 7 days to die folder. So I apologise if this is a super easy or difficult fix.



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