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Posts posted by ZuKe90

  1. 1 minute ago, KhaineGB said:

    Are you on VSmall2-PEP? Cos if so, that map is bugged (fixed it for the 4.1.1 dev build)

    ohhhh I see. I just happened to pick the one out of the group LOL thnx for the update. Really appreciate it. Keep up the amazing work by the way!! I love the mod and work and updates done.

  2. I love this DF mod, and downloaded the new 4.1 right away! I have noticed that so far in my game I have been to 3 white river scouts and do not get any quests from them, and am lvl 15 in game so far. I am starting to think something is wrong with my game and I need to make a new one. Should the scouts give a mission on day 1 like previously?!

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