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Posts posted by Stoneson

  1. there are so many mods for doors and all kind of doors but i am just looking for simple 1x1doors which are powered. i kinda want that star trek feeling where all my doors open when i aproach them when i am walking around at home. 

  2. On 9/29/2022 at 3:47 AM, Cranberry Monster said:


    I think inside your unity3d file, your models also need to have unique names from the original copy of the mod. I seem to remember trying this before, and it choked on two mods/unity3d files using the exact same model name.

    i had the same happening to me. duplicating and renaming doesnt work. it says the unity3d files is already in use. sad.

  3. 21 hours ago, xyth said:

    Sample videos are provided.  You can replace the first video with a video of your choosing, just keep the file name the same.

    yeah but all tvs start with the first video. it would be better if we could choose which tv plays which video.

    On 3/12/2022 at 2:58 PM, xyth said:


    It used to be 3, I changed it to 12.  More is possible but there isnt a good way to select each video, so 12 is a lot to click through already.   Playing 1 video in a loop could be done.    No way to rewind , sorry




    No idea, sorry.


    There is one wall tv that replaces the vanilla small tv that plays static, or could play a public message if you changed that video0

    looping a video for a specific tv would solve my problem too

  4. On 3/31/2023 at 2:53 PM, bdubyah said:

    Hey, you don't like the mod someone made you for free? Learn how to mod and make what you want!


    I've just only ever saw your posts being complaining about mods. Not exactly a good look when trying to get things changed/added in a mod. Maybe rethink your approach. And besides, you yourself said "we should be able to do that simple @%$#". If it is so simple, do it yourself. Problem solved.

    i am a simple user, if i dont like anything i will just comment about it. the modder doesnt need to like the users as a person. if he wants his product to be better, then he should listen to facts. not if they come from a nice guy or a  mean and bad bad guy.

  5. i tried everything in my noob power to edit sounds.xml file but it seems to have no effect on the sounds when i delete the lines of "solarbank" "generator" etc. 

    do i need to change any other line? i checked the lines for hours but couldnt find anything fitting. any help on this would be great. the humming sound of power sources drives me nuts. i need silent generator etc. thx

  6. On 3/30/2023 at 2:43 AM, bdubyah said:

    Then learn how to mod and make it yourself. 🙂

    ahhhh the classic @%$# answer. zero logic. "hey are you sick? then become a doctor... hey is your car broken? then become an engineer. you dont like the new game you bought? pfft, become a developer and make a better game. "

  7. my problem with  this mod is, that it is not customizable. i wish i could make tvs play one specific video. all tvs start with the first video. it is annoying. 

    we should be able to do that simple @%$#. 

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