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  1. Cause right now, i swear to god.. I'm making my flooring out of mattresses (what is cool abt it is that they take only one cubic space so i can still kind of put furniture through it.. But.. It Isnt the best it could look hahaha)
  2. Are there any decoration mods (dont wanna change the gameplay) that includes things like (or kinda look alike) tatami flooring, shoji, fusuma, sudare, shi*tomi, sliding doors/windows, etc? And/or is there anyway to change [at least] the direction of the paint/cubes patterns (ex: tan awwning could kinda look like something but its pattern is horizontal only even when turned, so i cant make perpendicular stripes)
  3. Hi! I am new to the pc version and I generally dont use pre-existing maps when I wanna build my world. But in all the recent worlds i generate there are big blue floating bubbles in the sky.. I thought they were spawn points and i could see them because of god mode.. But apprently not.. 1. At first I generated a map and it was ok! But I screwed my undersea cabin and water was weird so I wiped the started game. 2. I generated another map with UWU as a seed (cuz funny) Got Osaga Valley (2k×2k), one biome (pine forest), no town, no PoI.. Everything was ok! There was a mointain with a crevasse in it and i discovered the tool (spade thing) wich digs big wholes or adds terrain.. Wich the aoe is a big blue bubble.. I pierced through the mountains cuz i tought bridges between them in the crevasse could be cool.. But i realized it dug diagonal lines and it was a pain to deal with.. 3. So i deleted the started game and re-randomnized the map (osaga valley one biome no town no poi, with UWU as seed). Map was perfect until i flew in the air and see a big blue bubble looking exactly like the one from the spade/shovel tool thingy..... And another one.. And another one... 4. Tried to create brand new map.. Still there.. So i guessed they were some kind of spawn point and that I just didnt notice earlier.. Asked on reddit.. No one knows what it is.. So definetly not spawn points... I told myself i would ignore them.. But Im now in the prefab creator and these floating blue bubble are there too along with the floating blue block (wich someone told me it's the sleepers x ray area so at least i know it's supposed to be here) Is it a bug??? Is it normal?? Is it a new thing? Are there supposed to be bubbles or I just f***ed up something (wich wouldnt be new... I'm apparently good at bugging games -_-' ) [If needed: Pc version, alpha 20.6(b9), windows 10, steam platform.]
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