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Posts posted by AndrewG

  1. Hi,
    the question is not clear to me (with google translate),
    but if your prefab doesn't appear, go to the area where you placed it, then press F1
    in the console write   dm   (send)
    then   cr   (enter)
    you will see the prefab appear, but if it is not rotated correctly you will need to rotate it in the Wolrd Editor.

    to exit "Debug mode" write   dm   again (send and Esc).

  2. 15 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    in breve sì, puoi fare xml ma tuttavia senza il file .dll non puoi spostare le cose facendo clic dentro e fuori gli slot extra né puoi scorrere il mouse oltre i 10 slot, quindi è davvero inutile farlo.

    Ah OK, thanks so much for your explanation. 👍

  3. Spoiler

    Salve, vi chiedo se è possibile inserire il Giorno e l'Ora della partita nel save box, e... se è possibile come/cosa devo fare?
    Grazie .


    Hi, I am asking if it is possible to put the Day and Time of the game in the save box, and. if it is possible how/what should I do?
    Thank you .


    (Please write in english)

  4. I installed "Autominer", it works in A20, thanks.
    But.... if I use 100 of fuel I produce 135 of iron, if I use 1000 of fuel I produce 1100 of iron. 😕, seems counterproductive to me.

    Robotic Sledge and Robotic Drone, what are they for? Wasn't it better to use 2/3 Auger to increase production?

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