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Posts posted by Marshin4512

  1. Will more lore be revealed in the later updates? I've figured a bit but I'm not sure about it and would love to learn more especially about the duke or Noah.


    I'll put my theory here:




    My theory was that the zombie apocalypse happened since a nuclear explosion happened. How I know this? Because I saw it on a newspaper in the game. At the edge of the map there is a nuclear fallout zone which is full of radiation which kills you. Also there is a wasteland which I assume the radiation died out since it is a wasteland but safe. It is home to massive hordes of zombies and has the largest amount of zombies in a biome in the game. There are also radiated zombies, police zombies, mutated zombies, demolishers and more. Since a lot of zombies are found there that means that the cause of the zombies is unusual radiation which turned humans into zombies. But now the radiation has died out and it is safe to go there. The nuclear fallout zone which has a lot of radiation that can kill you quick (reminder: Is at the edge of the map) is the parts where the radiation has spread and is impossible to go there. Also I did some research and apparently the game is set after a 3rd world war The area which you are in which I think is Arizona is one of the only places that is not affected by the radiation and is safe. In the note the mayor of white river settlement says that you barely made it here and when you came here you were almost dead so you possibly escaped from the radiation zone into a safe area but you almost died on the way and the mayor guy saved you.

     The Duke or Noah is apparently a unplanned boss fight. Apparently he controls an army of mutated soldiers. Noah also says that you have to pay him and that the gear he took from you was not enough. If he can control zombies maybe he is the one sending zombies to you on horde night since you aren't paying him? In Trader Jen's dialogue mentions that she/he has to pay protection payment to the duke. Is this because he controls the zombies and commands them not to attack the traders if the trader pays him. Also he is the mayor of white river settlement. The currency which is duke casino token has his face on it and has the word duke. Could he have something to do with the zombie outbreak?

    My theory :)


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