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Posts posted by kapaer

  1. On 7/4/2022 at 10:42 AM, Poundshop_Paladin said:

    Hi all,

    Having a bit of an issue with some of the traders on my solo DF game. about half of them work as intended, but a few(including the mod trader) are bringing up a console error message along the lines of 'Object Reference not set'. Had a sniff around for answers online but turned up nothing so found myself here. Any way around it? I've tried killing a couple to see if they respawn and work, but just trying to establish whether there's a fix or they're just gonna remain bugged for this run. Bit rough as I'm struggling to source a laser bench at the moment and my gear is getting obsolete!

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi there,


    This is an old topic, but I was able to reproduce it and found the cause.


    It is caused by incorrect settings for POIs included in the CP map.
    POIs with part_ and rwg_tile_ in their names should not be quest targets, but they are incorrectly designated as targets.


    The following files included in the DF are incorrect :


    You will need to remove the line '<property name="QuestTags"~' in these files.
    The original CompoPack has the same mistake, but it can be fixed in the same way.



    You can easily check for errors by using an appropriate string search tool.
    For example, at the DOS prompt, go to the mod folder and type :

    findstr /s QuestTags *rwg_tile_*.xml

    Check the '*part_*.xml' files in the same way.


    If the above POI is selected as the target, you will get the following error when talking to the trader :

    ERR [XUi] Error while updating window group 'radial':
    EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


    This error only occurs when the above POI is selected as the quest target :
    - This will only happen for traders with the above POI nearby.
    - It does not happen until the quest reaches Tier 5 (all problematic POIs were Tier 5).
    - If the above POI is not selected as one of the randomly selected POIs after talking to it many times, only then the error does not occur.

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