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Posts posted by Angilion

  1. 14 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Well, trying to upgrade a vehicle would pop up the picture of the item needed. Sure, it doesn't tell you the name, but most of them should be obvious enough so that when you manage to buy or salvage one, you'll likely know it's the needed part. I could add it to the name you see when looking at the block, but I fiddled with stuff like that when I added that feature and I didn't like how it looked.


    Grease Monkey also unlocks the vehicle mod crafting, as well as gas and oil. But it isn't any more necessary than several of the other perks. Just up to what you wanna be good at. :)


    It does pop up a picture. but it's a very small one and my eyesight isn't up to the job even with glasses. Without glasses I wouldn't be able to see anything on the screen, so thank goodness for glasses. My natural eyesight is dire. I tried a comparison with normal test once but couldn't get a result because the scale only went up to 20/800 and my eyesight is worse than that.


    I got lucky with the vehicle mods and found the ones I wanted in loot. Supercharger and fuel saver and good to go. I find that with that setup I can get all the fuel I need from wrenching vehicles, so it all works out. The motorbike is pretty efficient with fuel, especially with the fuel saver mod.


    I went with being good at bashing zombies with clubs and a secondary aptitude for shooting zombies with machine guns. It's working out pretty well.


    On 4/7/2023 at 7:43 PM, Yvels said:

    Hi bdubyah,

    Thanks for amazing mod (Playing 3.1); being a fan of fallout 4 it was nice to see BOS guys roaming around.


    I'm a fan of the Fallout franchise too. 1, 2, 3, NV, 4 and even 76 (a bit). Finding Fallout stuff (with some name changes) in 7DTD was great. I don't use power armour in the Fallout games, but this mod has shown me what power armour needs - an armoured, spiky zombie-fighting motorbike. It looks exactly right.


    11 hours ago, Yvels said:

    I finally placed about 20 plots near a little lake by my base and planted it all (i could plant it so it seems fine). It started growing for a bit to then it all turned into dry grass. Stuff you get 3 wood from. ALL of it. [..]


    I've done almost no farming because farming is almost worthless without the living off the land perk and I can't get it without respeccing to be far worse at fighting zombies.  But I did some farming to make use of the seeds I find in loot and maybe buy from traders, mainly because I chose to build my house with a pond in the back yard. I found that farming worked in this mod with a natural body of water but only for plots right next to the water. If there's even one block distance, nothing grows. Maybe not even as much as one whole block. I have a rectangle of a single line of farm plots around the pond, right on the edge of the pond (overhanging it a bit for a couple of the plots) and even then one of the corner plots doesn't work because the shape of the pond makes it slightly further away from that plot than the others.

  2. 1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

    I'm hoping to get the update out ASAP. I'm not gonna waste time separating the extinguishers just for it to not be needed in potentially a few days. Worst case you can turn the fire stuff off at the top of blocks.xml for the time being if it a problem. I have made some tweaks so that vomit will no longer cause fires, so that should tone it down a bit. And fire is really only a problem for wood stuff at the moment, so if you have cobble you are good.


    That is the correct mod. The description just hasn't been changed since I reworked ghouls and radiation.


    There is no way to learn them. Buy, loot, or salvage. And figuring out what part you need is part of it. Everything doesn't need to be spelled out. It's a survival game...survive. 😛

    GM should help a decent bit when it comes to finding parts. Though there were a few missing bits for some of the part salvage events, so the parts might be a bit more rare than intended.


    I've heard more than enough fussing about the limited points, I'm not hashing that out again. You've just made a character that isn't good at crafting high tech things. I don't see that as an issue. People are just too used to being able to do everything. The vanilla skill page may as well just be one big list and you can buy whatever, whenever. There no hard choices or consequences. Besides, you have clothing that can boost it as you mentioned, and there are drugs that can give decent temporary boosts. And there is always the forget'n elixir to respec if needed.


    I was thinking it would be months until the next update, not days, when I wrote "If it's practical to do so" about possibly making fire extinguishers available as modlet. You run a fast pace of development work on your mod!


    Now I know what power armour mod to look for in particular when clearing supermutant lairs. Just an out of date description, no problem. By coincidence, in today's video from the series by More2Me4Life that you referred to a few posts back, they rejected using power armour because they also assumed the mod description was accurate and therefore that the mod didn't provide resistance to radiation.


    Figuring out what part is needed would be easier if what could be seen in the gameworld was an accurate depiction of the state of the vehicle in the gameworld, e.g. it's missing a seat, a bumper, whatever. But a player can't see that, so the only way to know is to know. It's not just a matter of "doesn't need to be spelled out". There isn't a clue. It's not about survival. I'll survive in the game using the motorcycle I bought from a trader and ignoring the vehicle repair system. I survived for the first 10 days on foot, then another 8 or 9 on a bicycle I got from a trader. Repairing vehicles isn't required for survival. It was just something that I thought was a nice idea and wanted to play with it. But my character won't die if they can't repair vehicles. It's not a survival thing.


    I wasn't "fussing" about the limited points. I was acknowledging the existence of it, arguably the biggest difference between vanilla and the Wasteland, in the context of choosing to not put a third of the entire available attribute points to get one skill that slightly increases the chance of finding vehicle parts. You talk about hard choices - that's not a hard choice. There are obviously far more useful things to use a third of the total available attribute points on. Maybe it would be a good choice in a multiplayer game where one player was roleplaying a mechanic. Which would be interesting and entertaining to some players. Probably including me. I like some car mechanic games. 7 Days to Die meets My Summer Car. I'd buy that game if it existed.


    Anyway, I'm wandering off the point. Thanks for the mod, it's great fun. Time for me to head back into the wasteland and find more supermutants to kill for their bags of good loot.

  3. On 4/4/2023 at 11:33 PM, bdubyah said:

    I think the ammo should do the same damage to unarmored targets.


    I may have forgotten to include extinguishers in the last update. Lol. They will becoming in the next one. Hopefully soon. 


    Currently power armor doesn't help with radiation on its own. It does have a mod that gives you full resistance though. I might tweak it so a full set gives you maybe 50% or something. Hazmat should protect you, but only a full suit. 


    Each vehicle is usually bumpers, glass, doors and parts like that. What part you need depends on what stage it is at. But until you have an impact driver you won't know until you learn them. I don't know of an easy way to provide that info beforehand. You could always check the blocks.xml if necessary. 


    And about the parts, did you spec into Grease Monkey at all?


    I'll go with AP ammo then. If you're going with the setup from vanilla A20, there isn't a damage penalty for AP against unarmoured (or for HP against armoured). But there was in A19 and in some overhaul mods (including some otherwise based on A20, such as the most recent version of Darkness Falls).


    I'm glad I wasn't missing something obvious regarding fire extinguishers. If it's practical to do so it might be a good idea to make them available as a modlet compatible with this version of The Wasteland. Being unable to extinguish fires is quite a big problem when POI-consuming fires can be started so easily. Zombies triggering landmines is quite common from day 1 and cops puking becomes quite common quite early on. I assume it would also make it wildly impractical for players to use any explosives or molotovs except in the context of a horde base containing absolutely nothing that can burn. I don't use either, but many players do. It could be worse (e.g. the sparks from beating into a safe with a pickaxe could start a fire) but it's quite a big problem.


    Which power armour mod gives you full rad resistance? The only power armour thing related to radiation resistance I can see is the the power armour mod "Rad Resistant" which is described as "Makes you immune to radiation sickness from ghouls". Not "Makes you immune to radiation".  Just immunity to radiation sickness, the disease in your mod that works like a faster-acting version of the zombie infection. Not to the AoE damage of radiation. Am I missing something?


    For vehicle parts, I don't see a way of learning to make them. They seem to be found or bought from traders only. Trying to repair a vehicle without the part required for the next stage provides a tiny icon of the missing part in the corner of the screen, but that's not much help. Is there any sort of FAQ showing what part is needed for which stage for each vehicle? Guess I'll look through blocks.xml. Or just stick with the motorcycle I bought from a trader.


    I didn't spec into Grease Monkey at all in this attempt. I did in my previous attempt, who was killed on day 19 (I play permadeath). It didn't make any noticeable difference. It's only a small increase in the chance to find the very rare vehicle parts, so I decided not to put a third of the entire available attribute points into int just for that.


    For the same reason, I can't make power armour mods either. I set int to 4. +1 for the int power armour statue and +1 for nerdy specs gives me 6 int. Need 7 for Grease Monkey and 8 for High Tech (for PA mods) but there's no way of increasing int (or any other stat) any higher. The harsh restrictions on attribute points might be the biggest change The Wasteland has over vanilla. It radically changes the game by forcing players to rigidly specialise and to be completely cut off from most skills and perks.

  4. I'm playing the most recent version of The Wasteland mod and I'm enjoying it a lot. I have a few questions about it:


    1) How does AP and HP ammunition compare to standard? AP has a bonus to armoured targets, but in some alphas and mods it does the same damage as standard to unarmoured targets and in others it does far less damage than standard to unarmoured targets. Same situation for HP, just reversed. Which is the case in The Wasteland?


    2) Is there a way to extinguish fire? I haven't found one, which means that if a cop pukes or a zombie triggers a landmine the only option is to abandon the POI ASAP because both those things always start a fire. I did once manage to extinguish a fire a cop had started outdoors in a field in a farm POI by frantically digging up the topsoil and I was just able to outpace the spread of the fire. But that's a rare case. Have I managed to miss fire extinguishers?


    3) I'm a a full suit of power armour (sealed - you've added a sealing noise when the player puts on a full set, a nice touch) and I'm also wearing the two clothing pieces of hazmat gear (which can be worn in addition to armour, unlike the other pieces of hazmat gear). That seems to give me no resistance at all to radiation. Is that as intended? Even with a dose of RadZ, I had to run away and heal 3 times before I could destroy a 2000hp container (to clear the radiation), using a modded level 5 steel pickaxe and with rank 4 in the perk that does more damage with tools. Radiation is far more dangerous than anything else.


    4) Is there a way of finding out what parts you need to repair a vehicle? It was day 43 before I found a schematic for an impact driver, so that was the first day I could attempt to repair a vehicle. I'd finally found the hyper-rare parts needed to craft a repair kit (motorcycle) a couple of days before, so off I went to repair a damaged motorbike I'd marked on the map on the first day. Only to find that what I needed was motorcycle handlebars, which I'd sold because it's impossible to craft a motorcycle (or any other vehicle) in this mod. I bought a motorcycle from a trader ~day 15, but I'd like to repair some vehicles.

  5. 1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

    Shredder mod adds a STACKING buff thant eventually removes up to 50% armor if my memory is correct.


    I'd been misinterpreting that as multiple shredder mods on the same weapon stacking. Duh, silly me.


    Time to get some hollow point tips going while I decide whether to try entering the wasteland again (didn't go at all well last time - I was on fire so much I couldn't even see the things killing me) or play ring around the traders hoping one of them has a laser workbench in stock so I can make all the things.


    Thinking of mods...is there a resource explaining exactly which mods do what and which ones can be placed together on the same piece of equipment? I'm not at all sure my weapon and armour mods are optimised. I'm using L71 weapons at the moment (titanium spear, M4A1 and coilcarbine) and I'm far from sure which 7 mods work best with those. My coilcarbine, for example, has a leg crippling mod on it. Not because I thought it was the best choice but because it was the only weapon mod I could find or make that would fit on the gun with the other 6 mods on it.

  6. 2 hours ago, littl3d3vil said:

    Is there a way to restore trader protection in the mod?  I would prefer to play with it on.

     I would too. Either that or have working defences at traders. It grates on me that they have no defences at all because that wouldn't be possible in the in-game situation. They'd all be dead in hours. It's rather silly. Silly within the context of the gameworld, that is. It's not internally consistent and that grates on me.


    I know that it's partially possible for the player to run defences for a trader, but only in a very restricted and impractical way using the generator and turrets already in place. Which grates on me too - why on earth would a trader not bother to do it themself in those circumstances?


    Traders are incapable of doing anything to defend themselves. Any zombie will kill them, even a zombie that only does 1 hp of damage and only has 1 hp of health.


    Traders never heal themselves (despite having healing stuff in their stock) and can't be healed by the player.


    The trader situation grates on me.



    Anyway...here's what I did and which has worked well enough. It was initially a simple contingency measure I could do early on, but it's worked well enough to keep it and to use it on every normal trader compound I've found. I just built a wall of cobblestone blocks 3 high and 2 thick around the entire trader compound other than the gates. It makes it looks less obviously stupid and it delays zombies long enough for me to get my trading done then go out and kill them. You can do a ride-around every now and then to see if any of the outer blocks have been destroyed and replace them (hence the wall being 2 blocks thick). Although the game will spawn zombies inside the compound anyway, just teleport them in. But those can be dealt with on your way in to trade.

    14 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    It's basically the same as vanilla A19.

    So HP does more damage, but less vs anything with armor.
    AP does slightly less damage, but ignores X amount of armor.

    Normally I just stick an armor shredder mod on an auto weapon and use HP.


    Thanks for the reply. Maybe I'll find out how to test it and get some numbers to work with. Right now I'm using normal ammo with an armour shredder mod in my auto rifles. Maybe better than HP and shredder, maybe worse. In vanilla A19 hollow point was supposed to do 30% less damage against armour and sometimes did 100% less damage, i.e. no damage at all. The shredder mod ignores 10% armour IIRC.

  7. 1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:


    I am not sure this is exactly what happens with the different ammo types in the game (from my experience).


    Using 7.62mm as an example:

    • Ball ammo (or regular ammo) does 47 damage against all targets.  Armored targets obviously absorb some of the damage (same as your armor absorbing some damage)
    • HiPower ammo (not hollow point) does 52 damage against all targets (1.5 less if using this ammo in a machine gun).  It suffers from the same effects of armor as ball ammo
    • AP ammo does 57 damage against all targets (3 less if using this ammo in a machine gun).  It also reduces the target armor by a percentage so more damage is transferred over to the target.

    At least this is from the 20.5 files for vanilla.  AP ammo does not decrease in damage against unarmored targets, at least from the code I can read it doesn't.  Unless they have a penalty in the base code I am not seeing, you are not being penalized for using AP ammo against unarmored targets - you are just not getting the armor reduction perk of using it.


    But Darkness Falls has hollow point, not hipower, (as vanilla used to do). Look at the descriptions of the tips in DF - it's absolutely explicit about being very specifically hollow point. Not hipower. The ammo types were changed quite recently in vanilla, presumably because hollow point wasn't worth having due to the large penalty against armoured targets. It also makes a degree of sense in terms of realism, both ways, i.e. hollow point not having enough penetration against armour and armour piercing having too much penetration against a lack of armour.


    I've looked at items.xml and seen the same as you've seen, but I am not a lawyer expert on how ammo works in this game. Not in vanilla 7DTD or the Darkness Falls mod.


    I don't want to open ~10,000 7.62 coilrounds one at a time and make 7.62 AP coilrounds instead unless I'm very sure it's definitely worth it.

  8. I have a question about ammo types in Darkness Falls.


    The last time I looked in vanilla 7DTD, armour piercing rounds did more damage to armoured targets and much less damage to unarmoured targets while hollowpoint rounds did more damage to unarmoured targets and much less damage to armoured targets. As a result, I dismissed them both as too situational and stuck with normal rounds.


    What's the situation like in Darkness Falls, which also has armour piercing and hollowpoint rounds?


    I've reached the stage where I routinely encounter more powerful zombies anywhere and everywhere. I did some tier 1 jobs for a trader yesterday just to gain rep with them faster (I've already gained >30 rep with all the others). I was not surprised to be encountering things like behemoths and demonic zombies in tier 1 POIs. Also, as usual in DF, even breathing loudly in a POI results in umpteen zombies smashing their way in to kill you. A bit more firepower would be nice, even if it was only extra against armoured targets (as long as it wasn't also less against unarmoured targets).


    I'm not complaining about the difficulty. I like it. A couple of days ago I still had my vanilla 7DTD head on and ignored a screamer or two outside while I looted a POI, dismantling pretty much everything for more electrical parts for more coilrounds. Wouldn't matter at this stage in a vanilla game and I had my vanilla 7DTD head on. I ended up jumping out of an upstairs window and sprinting for my bike to run away, run away!

  9. 13 hours ago, Jinx_DG said:

    While in game open game console (F1), type DM then click enter, then close console. Click Esc. Click Open POI Teleporter. In search bar type DF. A list of all DF poi's will show. Find the one you want and click on it. You will be teleported there. The only catch is some maps have multi of the same trader/NPC. My map has 3 Razors. While it  does give you the coords for that NPC, it does not indicate which biome those coords will teleport you to. So..... prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Good Luck!


    13 hours ago, Canute said:

    You can talk to ANY trader to complete the quest.

    When you don't mark the location of Razor for the next quest you can try to find him again at your own, or use the methode of Jinx.



    And I'm back in the game! Thank you both. There were 2 Razors on the map I'm using and the first one turned out to be the Razor I had previously found so it's all good. All I've lost (from restoring from a backup save) is some hours grinding rep with Hugh for the last two masteries I want. Which I am close to being able to make the books for anyway. I just need ~200 more skill notes.


    So I popped into a Crack A Book I'd found while trying to rediscover Razor the hard way. The two storey one with the lower storey almost entirely a single large room and the upper storey open in the middle, overlooking the lower storey. Lower storey...stabby stabby with my spear, a couple of demonic zombies to get shot with my coilcarbine. No problem, everything OK. Up the stairs...and not OK. Run away, run away!

  10. Hopefully this is the right place...


    I've been having a lot of fun with this brilliant mod, but I've hit a snag. I've completed the first quest for Razor (fetching buried supplies) but there's no marker to turn in the quest. Trying to show the quest on the map results in the message "This quest does not have a location to show on the map". I thought I had marked Razor's location on the map (I habitually do with all traders), but it seems that I hadn't. I took the quest a while ago and got sidetracked into other things for dozens of hours of play, so I've forgotten where Razor is.  I can turn the quest in to any trader and it completes, but if I do that I still need to get Razor's next quest to continue with the questline. I tried going back to a backup save from a few days ago and redoing the quest, but the result was the same.


    If I could find Razor's entity ID I'd teleport to him and try that, but I can't find it. se in the console returns ~890 entity IDs and only shows from ~570 to the end of the list.


    Base game is alpha 20.4. Darkness Falls is v4.03. Map is DFalls-Small1-NoCP

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