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Posts posted by xGavlar

  1. Ive been going through alot of mods and came across this teleport mod. and i love it but somethings arent working.


    I didnt do any coding cus.. i aint got the knowledge for dat. i went "straight out the box" and also downloaded the SCore mod.


    2 things that arent going through correctly.

    1) The 1st portal I cant see the edit button appear for naming it. For the 2nd portal i cant find the place to "Stick" the wire into for a power connection.

    2) There's no shaders/magic happening when they are working (by "they" i mean the future portals)


    i can teleport with the future portals just not the magic portals. and again there is no shaders/magic happening around them



    EDIT - 2hrs after posting this

    my game save is broke. it wont go past the load game save screen something in the command about "XML loader _____(bla)___ block.xml failed".

    When i remove the teleporters mod the loading works fine after that


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