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Posts posted by Poro

  1. I've seen a few threads around social media (Facebook, Reddit, Discord, etc) where some people bemoan the Zombie's AI, how they're super smart, auger hands, and so on, and how that "leads" players to cheese the AI with fancy bases to exploit the pathing.

    However what if we had certain zombies keep the current AI, and some the old "dumb" AI? Say all zombies except the Bikers, Soliders, Ferals, Demolition and Cop zombies get the "dumb" AI and those exceptions get the smart one? How I think this would shake things up is this: Imagine a base made for the Bloom Moon Horde, designed for a killing corridor where zombies path to it for efficient killing. This works for a while, except the "dumb" zombies attack other parts of the base, eventually creating a new weak point where even the smart zombies path to. Now that killing corridor is useless. This should lead to more varied base types, and curb some of the "cheese" bases.

    Thanks for coming to my TedTalk

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