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  1. well now its day 20+ are we supposed to take the same excuse now? its multiple issues but yeah some of it is that you see a LOT of Chinese servers sneak in not only subverting the Region issue but also the Language one too to push the servers i should be seeing off the 120ish that i get to see for some reason entirely. There is no reason why that should be that way.
  2. go figure , if this is how they do stuff i wont be part of their next game thats for sure
  3. Seriously? where are the pitchforks and torches at? this thing is utter @%$#.. I have North American East or West English and the entire first page is spammed by Chinese servers running a suspect server at 500 ping? I cant even see my favorites anymore. oh and in before the have you tried putting region North america east/west and English crowd.. yea i have i have tried everything and all i see is servers i shouldnt be seeing because they are NOT NA east or west or ENGLISH.
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