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Record Comments posted by panther

  1. 19 hours ago, Jugginator said:

    Let's make sure you actually have a clean slate. Backup any games you wish to save from Appdata and put them somewhere else, like on your desktop. Then:


    1. Navigate to your main game installation folder
    2. Open the launcher executable
    3. Click Tools, Clean game data, make sure ALL of the boxes are checked as in this picture:unknown.png


    Here is a video if you prefer a visual walkthrough (it does cover a bit more).


    After that, verify the file integrity TWICE through Steam to ensure it catches any invalid files (sometimes it doesn't do it right on the first try). Three times to be sure.

    Ok guys update. I tried this method, and it actually worked so thank you so much bro i thought i wont play this game again xdd. I will keep you guys updated if something went wrong or everything is going good

  2. 16 hours ago, chikorina said:

    I am not able to reproduce this issue.  I am able to open player profile option without getting any error and am able to create new player profiles.  Please give me a bit more information to help me reproduce the issue.

    1 - Have you ever been able to create a player profile in other versions of the game?  Have you ever been able to play the game?

    2 - If you have been able to create a player profile before,  what was the reason for trying to create a new one?  

    3 - You said that you get errors when joining a game,  were you able to play in that game before? 

    Ok, so let me be clear. Yes, i have played over 300 hours without having any issues related to player profiles.

    This time, me and my friend wanted to start a new world because we wanted to play the new Alpha 20. We installed some mods, started the game and went straight to create a new world. I DID have same player profile since i bought this game, so i never tried to make a new one. But one thing happened. When i started a new world, everything went good, i had my console open, loading finished, everything was ready, but when it came to joining into the world, bunch of errors came up in console" "EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
    We had this problem once before but not the same situation, so i figured that it had something to do with player profiles. So, i went and tried to create a new player profile. All those errors i wrote about showed up. We instantly went on internet and searched for other people with same issues.
    Then, I deleted all the mods. We found that i could try and delete the files through game launcher or i could even do that manually. So i did it every way, and every time i did it, i also validated my files. But it still didnt work.

    So i reinstalled the whole game, i deleted every single file i could find in my computer related to 7 days to die. But sadly, it still didnt work and same problem appeared every single time. BTW my friend had same mods installed, but he never got the same issues i did.

    And my conclusion is: I can not join into the game because i dont have a player profile created. But the funny thing is, i never deleted the one i created when i first bought the game. So, i think game somehow deleted my original player profiles and i can not join into the game. So i have to somehow create a player profile. 

    I can provide you all the mods we tried to use. If you have any questions, or you cant understand something, feel free to ask me. Thanks for your help

  3. 2 minutes ago, chikorina said:

    Thank you for the log.

    I was wondering,  you said that you deleted your player profile.  Did you use the game launcher tool to do that?  

    Well, yeah i did, but i also tried many other ways to delete all the files manually

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