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Posts posted by ZamiZ

  1. So I think I have figured out some of it, but I still need help please. I am NOT using Alloc's Server Fixes that you download. This is strictly what is shipped with the dedicated server in the Mods folder. No other mods or installs on the server.


    I set up my permissions as below so that only admin can access the console but the map is public.

        <module name="web.map" permission_level="2000" />
        <module name="webapi.Command" permission_level="0">
          <method name="GET" permission_level="inherit" />
          <method name="POST" permission_level="inherit" />
          <method name="PUT" permission_level="inherit" />
          <method name="DELETE" permission_level="inherit" />


    I am assuming this means the settings screen are also permission level 0 only as I only see them when I login to the webpage. I am not sure if there is a webmodule setting just for the settings screen so I can let mods see it but nothing else.


    So my screen for the web mod now looks like below. I can see the 5 random map markers made at initial load and create markers, but I cannot figure out how to edit or delete them. I can check one of the check boxes, but no option to delete or edit comes up. Right clicking gives the regular browser right click menu. What am I missing to be able to edit and delete markers?
    Edit: Double clicking on the coordinate box will let you edit it or delete the coordinate, but not the full marker itself.
    Edit2: Deleting the coordinate is only good while on that page. Going back to the map does not delete the marker and the coordinates return to normal on return to the settings page. Changing the coordinates work to move it.





    Can anyone send me to documentation for this please? I haven't been able to find any documentation for any of this outside of the original Alloc's Server Fixes site and posts here about how to set up the permissions in the serveradmin.xml file.

  2. So you need to set it up the serverconfig.xml and serveradmin.xml files.


    In serverconfig.xml I have:

    <!-- Admin interfaces -->
    	<property name="WebDashboardEnabled"			value="true"/>				<!-- Enable/disable the web dashboard -->
    	<property name="WebDashboardPort"				value="8080"/>				<!-- Port of the web dashboard -->
    	<property name="WebDashboardUrl"				value=""/>					<!-- External URL to the web dashboard if not just using the public IP of the server, e.g. if the web dashboard is behind a reverse proxy. Needs to be the full URL, like "https://domainOfReverseProxy.tld:1234/". Can be left empty if directly using the public IP and dashboard port -->
    	<property name="EnableMapRendering"				value="true"/>				<!-- Enable/disable rendering of the map to tile images while exploring it. This is used e.g. by the web dashboard to display a view of the map. -->


    I do not have the WebDashboardUrl filled out as it says you don't need it if you are just going to access it with the IP:port. If you are hosting with a domain name, you'll need to put the full url path to the server there. https://yourdomainhere.whatever/ probably. Also make sure you have the dashboard port and +2 port forwarded. For me, this is 8080 and 8082.


    In serveradmin.xml I have:

        <module name="web.map" permission_level="2000" />
        <module name="webapi.Command" permission_level="0">
          <method name="GET" permission_level="inherit" />
          <method name="POST" permission_level="inherit" />
          <method name="PUT" permission_level="inherit" />
          <method name="DELETE" permission_level="inherit" />


    You will have to add this to your serveradmin file. It defaults to just <webmodules />. This here will allow the public to view the map. Set the permission to 1000 to require people have logged in.


    All of this I got from this post. 



  3. I have a vanilla server running A21 to test it out, and set up the integrated web server. There is an Xample Markers mod also shipped with the dedicated server and I honestly can't figure out how to use it. The map shows some markers on the web map, but no info on the markers. Anyone point me in the direction on how to use this web mod please?

  4. Finally going back through all the posts in this forum, not just jumping from first page to last page like I usually do. I jumped to conclusions thinking the workaround presented in the thread was symlinks of the entire appdata, when it clearly wasn't. Which I apologize, that was all me.


    On 4/27/2022 at 2:14 PM, faatal said:

    We can't have it in the Mods folder for installing from the Microsoft store or Game Pass, because MS does not want users changing files in the install location.


    We already allow you to specify a location on the command line for data files, which you could specify in the launcher. You can then place a Mods folder there.



    It can also be set in the serverconfig.xml file.
    <property name="UserDataFolder" value="absolute path" /> <!-- Use this to override where the server stores all generated data, including RWG generated worlds. Do not forget to uncomment the entry! -->


    This knowledge will give me the ability to keep my OS drive as my OS drive. To be honest, 7 Days to Die is taking up almost 20G of my app data with all the worlds I've created. I can now move that off to my larger drives without breaking half of my other programs. Thank you! Can this please get announced somewhere rather than buried in 2 threads in the forums?

    Now to continue telling the random people that ask me if they have to load their mods into appdata that no it is not required YET and continue to use the old location.


  5. A solution is NOT a solution if it isn't something a person with little computer smarts can do. Workarounds such as symlinks are clunky at best, do not work at worst. You cannot assume that it won't break something else on that person's computer. Unless you are getting paid to work on their computer as a repair to verify everything works. 

    For a solution, you have to think of the users that are:

    1. Not tech savvy.
         Can do point and click, find their documents and browser, find the game, but do nothing else. They take their computer to a computer store because it is running slow because their drive is full and they never cleared their cache and downloads for years because they didn't know how or that they had to type of people.

    2. Want to play different mods.
         Sometimes they want to play one set of mods in the morning with one group of friends then a different set of mods in the evening with a different group of friends.

    The best solution will be TFP will have to have a launcher that will do all this with only minimal work from the user. I hate to reference Minecraft again, but at least it's mods are packed in zip files. So the mods are easily recognizable from one another for the user regardless of how many folders there are inside of it. In it's current state, TFP have a LOOOONG way to go to get a mod loader that will be usable for the average user going down this route. THAT is my key point. Right now what we have is clunky, but we can get the job done. Forcing it into %appdata% without a ton of work on their end to make a mod loader, the ability to have game profiles to play different mod packs, mod version verification between server and client in instances it is needed, and everything else that goes with it before they force us into this WILL force many of us that play with multiple mods to leave the game.

  6. On 4/13/2022 at 11:59 AM, KhaineGB said:

    1) The reason provided by TFP, while I understand it, seems unreasonable when Rimworld loads from the Mods folder even to this day. It works fine. So why change it?
    2) For those of us who recommend the use of Manual Install rather than automated applications (Sorry Sphereii!), this is going to make it a lot more difficult for... less technically inclined users to actually install mods, which could be bad for the health of the game, the health of mods and may discourage people from modding in the future.


    To agree with everything said here I add my own thoughts. I would first like to preface this with that I have been doing some kind of tech troubleshooting for years for family and for a couple years professionally at a call center. The amount of times I had to walk some through for 15+ minutes on just where and how to download and install something, or find a setting, is more numerous to count.


    I have been playing the game with mods for a couple years now. It is honestly the only reason why I have continued playing for so long and still enjoy the game. I manually install all my mods, making sure to make copies of the game for each set of installs so that I can play with different people all using different mod sets.


    While I understand putting everything in appdata for security reasons, it is also a big hassle for the average user. Modding minecraft was a hassle for that exact reason, and even my tech savvy hubby got tripped up by it more than once. I still have to go look it up if I'm not actively playing simply because I forget it installs everything to appdata. On top of that, when we rebuilt our computers this year we purposefully put Windows on the smaller ssd drives and moved all our documents, pictures, and games to other larger ssds and nvme drives. Moving all mod loads to appdata will undo all that for us. For context, I run a 120G ssd for my Windows drive. I have 18G (no that isn't a typo) free on that drive right now. Some of the mods require 4+ Gigs of space. That would limit me to 1 mod at a time right now, which would really suck for me. I don't play that way.


    This isn't like Documents or Pictures that we can tell Windows to move to another drive. We can do symlinks to another drive, but it doesn't work well. I tried it. Half my programs immediately failed to load and I had to move the entire appdata back to the C drive. So moving the appdata is not an option.


    To top it off, many "mods" are actually mods packs. They are comprised of multiple "mods" all packaged together, as defined by the game. (Maybe for organization by the mod creator, maybe because some are other mods used with permission.) So even with a built in mod loader, it would be a nightmare to have to select and deselect the mods each and every single time AND try to remember which ones go with which game.  What if one mod pack uses one version and another mod pack uses another version? Are the mod creators now going to have start labeling each of their mod files ModName-Folder1, ModName-Folder2?

    Is there going to have to be a verification system installed in the game so that you cannot connect to a server if you are not loading in the exact mods AND mod version as server?


    For singleplayer, if you choose the wrong mods due to confusion on which mods were with which game, you could potentially royally screw up your save game.


    So for the majority of users, it really is simpler to make a copy of the game and install the mods there.


    So for the TLDR: To agree with the others, just let those of us that already load mods in the game folder continue to load them in the game folder. Don't force the change later down the road. It will cause more headaches than it is worth I think.

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