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Momo Amaicha

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Posts posted by Momo Amaicha

  1. The solution to changing the UserDataFolder and the SaveGameFolder in the serverconfig.xml has been something I have been doing since Alpha 18 to save space on my C Drive. But this solution does not address the issue of the Mod folder being in %AppData% where these huge modes live. I am willing to be there are many people in the same position I am in that bought their computer years ago with only a small SSC drive for C and windows and other "system programs" have now left them in the single digits of space on C and so we put our games and everything else we can on another, larger, drive. Without the ability to change the location of the MOD folder we are left with only being able to play vanilla. Before this change I could use mod launcher and have three intirely different modded games on my D drive and with my edited serverconfig file never add 1 meg more to my poor C drive. With this change I won't be able to play even One modded version now.

    SO the question is, since Funpimps have made this change is there anyway to force the game to get the mod files from another location that would NOT have to be on the C Drive?

  2. PLEASE PLEASE do not put these files in %appdata% for a simple reason. Many of us have our C drive as a SSD and for many we have limited space and install our games and as many programs as we can on another drive. Already I have to mod my serverconfig file so that saves and user data goes into a folder I set up on my D drive. IF funpimps does this the game will become unplayable for me and I assume many others especially when you facter in overhaul mods.



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