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Posts posted by xooGHOSToox

  1. Poking around in some files, I noticed this in game events..

    RemoveItems - Removes the items from the player.
                items_location - The location that is affected by this. (Toolbelt, Backpack, Both, Equipment, All).
                remove_item_tag - The tag of the items you want removed.

    ReplaceItems - Replaces the specified items with another item.
                items_location - The location that is affected by this. (Toolbelt, Backpack, Both, Equipment, All).
                replaced_by_item - The item that you replace the tagged items with.
                replace_item_tag - The item tag for the items that should be replaced.

    Was curious about wanting to remove a certain number of items from a players inventory after completing a task.
    Anyone ever use these and got them to work?

    I'd like to remove 100 yuccafibers from a person's inv after they gathered them in the quests.xml file

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