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Posts posted by BulletDodgeFail

  1. 3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    It should not be in POI's. I did state that when one of the testers redid the groups for the empowered zombies.

    So thank you. That's something that needs to be fixed. He's supposed to be wandering horde/bloodmoon/DF bunker ONLY

    So does that mean I don't have to Git Gud, as was so helpfully suggested? :)




    Regards and Thanks,


  2. 3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    Yes they are.

    It's an end game boss that  only spawns at GS800+

    No it's not being reconsidered. Adapt, die or just run.

    Well, I am admittedly very late in the game at GS874, just killing time looking for POIs I've not seen before. But as the Demon Lord appears in Tier 3 missions, it seems somewhat overstated to call it 'an endgame superboss' when you can find them in an abandoned gas station or 7-11. One doesn't normally think of Demogorgon as hanging around the Applebee's. Unless you've worked there, then you know better.


    I didn't experiment to find the radius of 10 blocks, I suppose the strategy now is to routinely use HE rockets to remove the POI structure until the Demon Lord is exposed so that one does not bleed to death looking for it. Or just accept that it's time to retire the world, I've outlived the logic of what justifies the placement of an endgame superboss.


    Still fun, but has become a bit tedious to encounter them routinely. This is the gamer's analog of First World Problems, Level Three Hundred Problems. I recall my request to change the mechanic, I accept that I am playing the game in an edge case scenario.

  3. Possible spoiler re:Demon Lords follows, be advised.


    Are Demon Lords supposed to be emitting some kind of aura in a massive radius?


    I'm getting 4 status effects at the same time for no apparent reason, and it seems to be when I come within some large radius of a Demon Lord, even if they are through many solid blocks and at a different elevation.  The effects show as 'buffDamagePlayerName', 'buffArmorPlayerName', 'buffHealingPlayerName', and 'buffSpeedPlayerName'. They are actually massive debuffs to all of those... -50 armor, -50 speed, -2 health/sec.


    I urge you to reconsider this effect, if it is intended, to at least limit it to line of sight. As is, it makes being in the same building as a Demon Lord impossible. There is no counter to the effect, and no chance to engage the source. It's basically a huge area denial that makes running missions impossible.



  4. 1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

    Oh trust me, for people who want to get absolutely murdered...

    Accessing the bench AFTER the lab will have a use. ;)



    Also I still have another POI and quest AFTER that to do.

    OH! Well, that changes the tone of everything completely, then. The wasteland lab IS the fight to get the MacGuffin. The Evil Wizard Foozle is yet to be revealed. Thanks, that makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a story rather than at a bizarre end of one, and that's exactly what I wanted. Cheers!

  5. 2 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    And THAT is why it was changed. It was NEVER intended to be like that. Ever. The ability to buy/access the laser workbench was put in because people keep insisting on using RWG, not getting a lab and then complaining that they can't get the bench.

    It was the intention that I wished to address. What I intended was to give you a heartfelt sentiment as a member of the appreciative audience of the story you are telling. Classically, the magic MacGuffin is needed to defeat the Evil Wizard Foozle. The tension of the story is in the quest for access to the MacGuffin and the wisdom needed to activate it and use its power as a hero. It's seems less narratively satisfying to me to defeat Foozle and on the last page of book be awarded the magic McGuffin with no clear application of its use.


    The mapping of these story elements into DF components is entirely my own twisted model. But it's how I perceive playing the game. A great part that DF adds to 7DTD is the sense of doing things for a reason. In the current implementation, I ask myself "Why do I need a laser workbench?" and the only answer I have is "to deal with the mission I had to complete in order to get access to the laser workbench. Now that I have it, I don't really need it."

  6. I haven't played DF since the version where you could buy the laser workbench (lwb) if you had all of the bartering perks maxxed and got lucky. The current design requires that the 'final mission', the wasteland research lab, be done for Anna in order to unlock access to the lwb. That seems backwards to me from an adventure design perspective. The old mode was to get access to the lwb and use its capabilities to craft yourself ready for the final mission. There was a point to getting access to the lwb, a use for it. Now, it's awarded after the game is narratively over. It's like 'Hey, here's access to the features that you don't really need any more, because beating the big challenge of the game is what you did to get access to the features.'


    It just seems unsatisfying to me to be given access to the lwb at a point in the game where the only use for it is something that I have to make up. Like giving Perseus the mirror shield for beating the Medusa. Uh, thanks, but the real use for this is already past.


    Still love DF and appreciate Kaine's relentless devotion to being a better Fun Pimp than the people who use the name. This change, for me, detracts from the sense of story that all of these DF-specific missions cultivate.

  7. I've been trying to track all of the farming changes being made to both DF and the base game, and I'm looking for a sort of compiled list of farm-related changes to A20.* that DF makes.


    I know that it:


    • adds harvestable trees and more crops
    • adds an irrigation system
    • crops require water to grow and consume it as they advance in growth stages
    • adds a rain barrel that generates water to deal with the previous requirement
    • sets the crop cycle to 2 full IRL hours
    • adds scarecrows to keep farm chunks loaded on the server
    • allows the 'action' (E) key to harvest without needing to punch


    1) Is that list complete?


    2) Does DF use the A20 mechanic that harvesting the plant destroys it and has a base 50% chance to yield a seed from the harvest? This is totally idiotic. Every generation of plants will produce half as many as the previous without some expert intervening. That's not how plants work of could ever work and is a feeble way of balancing a game that already has active people consuming multiple entire pigs per day. And it needlessly adds even more RNG to a game already overburdened with it. There's a mod that restores farming to A19 mechanics, and I will get started extending that mod to include DF crops unless someone tells me that there is a DF-specific harvesting mechanic that differs from A20. If someone has already made a mod that is compatible with DF that reverts harvesting crops to A19 rules (or anything less stupid than A20, low bar), I'd appreciate a pointer to it.


    Thanks in advance,



  8. Feel free to say no, of course, but I have a request.

    I really don't want to start a new game at this point, and I really want this fix in my current game:

    Fixed: Some incorrect names in buffs causing them to not work correctly (rad resist, etc)

    Could you please post the specific changes to the specific files required to gain this correction without requiring a wipe of the world? I'm happy where I am, but I'd be much obliged. I'm not asking for a new package that just has the fixes, just the information about what the XML should look like vs. how it looks now and I'll do the editing myself once I know where to do it and what it should end up as.

  9. 7 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Can look in entitygroups.xml. There are wasteland specific groups. I have removed NPCs from the night wasteland spawns for the next update so that might help as well.

    Thanks for the pointer. I found the section
    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesAll']">

    and reduced all the probabilities by a factor of 10. Now mutants and raiders are dangerous and rare instead of dangerous and so numerous that they should form a club.

  10. There are just way too many wandering Raiders in Wasteland since the addition of the NPCMod dependency, many of them with automatic weapons. It's impossible to play the game without getting sniped daily. I don't want to play Rust. How can I reduce the frequency of random spawning of Raiders outside of POIs?

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