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Everything posted by Aesirkin

  1. No problem. Thank you for reporting it and providing details! I won't actually get to play a game with the mod for another week or two, so I'm just glad it wasn't sitting out there broken all this time.
  2. I actually found some time today and implemented a 'fix'. Please redownload and insure that you have v1.1 If you update the files on a game that was already started with v1.0 of the mod, I believe it should work. Though existing crops may need replanted. Please let me know how the fix runs for you.
  3. Alright; I've confirmed this issue. And after some infuriating rounds of testing today I believe I've identified the problem: this is a 7DTD bug. It appears that the growthRate property of any given block is ignored in favor of inheriting the growth rate of a block that it has upgraded from. As the original "germinating" block has a growth rate of 1440, the "growing" block (and presumably all other event blocks) is then treated as though it has the same 1440 growth rate instead of the 50 that is explicitly defined in the block definition. I missed this in testing due to the short time periods that I applied to all blocks. Sorry! Or possibly because I was testing on 20.3; maybe it worked there. In any case, this actually breaks a very major portion of this mod! I apologize, but it appears to be unplayable as of now. The most obvious immediate solution to me is to reset all growth rates to 60, and then completely rework the blockPlaceholders file to emulate long growth with RNG-trees. This is going to introduce randomness where I never wanted it to be, and is going to take some work. I'll try to do this over the next few days if I can find the time...
  4. Hi Baratos. Thanks for the additional details. Can you tell me how many hours per day the server had users online during those 3 days? Time only progresses while players are online. I checked the code to make sure I didn't accidentally get the growth rates set wrong and don't see any obvious problems. In testing I had all growth rates set to 2 minutes though. I'll try to mess around with a test game today. Is this a public server that I could log into and test? If so, would you be able to give me resources to do the testing with? Also, was this a new game that you started with this mod or did you add this mod to an existing game? The latter may cause some issues; I'm not sure.
  5. This is a known issue that only occurs on dedicated servers. I don't know how to resolve it. If anyone does, please let me know and I'll make the updates.
  6. For anyone following this journey, I have posted this mod for download here: If you have any comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc, please use that thread.
  7. Download Link Dropbox Video Youtube Version IMPORTANT! If you're using v1.0 please redownload. v1.0 has a severe bug that causes unexpectedly long growth times. Current version is 1.1 Purpose So, what problem are we trying to solve? Farming gets boring. It's too easy to get large amounts of food with it late game, making it required, but not exciting. Meanwhile, it's full of busywork (doing the same thing with no thought) and missing interesting decisions. We want to make farming more challenging, preferably without just adding repetitive busywork. Description Plants will now progress through a long growing process, rewarding a large harvest at the end. During this process various events will occur, and as a player you will need to decide whether to act (often using resources), wait it out, or harvest and move on. Acting, and sometimes waiting, will usually increase the growth tier, or health, of that crop; while there are occasional events that can decrease the growth tier if not acted upon. Plants may be harvested any time after they progress beyond the seedling stage, which will be obvious from their size. The harvest will be commensurate with the growth tier you have raised those plants to. Some actions you need to take will require special items, available from the new garden workbench. Until you can make these items you'll be forced to simply wait. This adds a sense of progression to farming, and gives you something to work towards. Details Spoiler warning! Read this section only if you don't want to explore and figure it out yourself. Harvesting Harvesting while the plant is still in it's small, seedling form will return only a seed. When the plant grows in size you may harvest and receive some crops back, along with a seed and plant remains. Plants move through up to 20 tiers of growth. You will receive approximately 1 additional crop during harvesting for each tier of growth beginning with tier 4, which is when the model changes to the larger size. Hovering over the plant will provide text giving a general idea of growth tier (see below), and the color of the text will change with every tier. So you may see two plants in the Fruiting stage, for example, with slightly different colored text (denoting different tiers) Growth Stages 1-3 Seedling 5-6 Young 7-9 Fruiting 10-13 Healthy 14-16 Mature 17-19 Strong 20 Prize Winning Realism As much as possible I've tried to make events and responses realistic. However, deviations needed made to best accomplish the gameplay goal of the mod. I am aware that some things don't exactly match what we would expect in real life and welcome thoughts. But please bear in mind that gameplay takes precedence over realism in this context. Compatibility This mod was written to be compatible with A20. It may or may not work with other versions. This mod was designed for new games. I do not believe this will work with existing games, but if you try it please post back and let me know! This was designed as a server-side, no download mod. This means that if you're playing a single player game or a P2P game only the host needs to have it. If you're running a server, only the server needs to have it. Clients do not need to download the mod.
  8. Ah, that's smart! I'll keep it in mind for a possible update. I'm thinking it may be about time to release my current progress as v1.0 and take a break for a while. Thanks for all the help Telric; I couldn't have completed this without you, and I think it came out pretty awesome.
  9. Thanks. Unfortunately, that's not viable for me because the plants always return seeds, so there will be no point where they would swap out the old seed for the new. That's okay, though. I'll just keep the books unlocking the tools that allow them to take action on the blocks and that will work well enough.
  10. Have you found any way to make certain block possibilities dependent on books? For example, suppose that I have: <placeholder name="place1"> <block name="block1" prob=".4"/> <block name="block2" prob=".2"/> <block name="block3" prob=".8"/> </placeholder> But I only want block3 to be included in the rotation if the player has read the book that unlocks it. I looked at the default blockplaceholders.xml and gameevents.xml files, but don't see any option to do this. the placeholders appear to be straightforward with no logic allowed, and the "requirements" listed at the bottom of gameevents.xml don't include the possibility to look at a cvar. Any ideas on a creative way to do this?
  11. That's an interesting thought, but I don't think I want to go down that path with mine. I'd be interested in seeing what you come up with though! I've realized a way to make this happen. Unfortunately, it's too expensive for my use case, especially for a public server where there may be 1000s of these blocks. It's also extremely clunky for the user. But maybe someone else can get some use out of this idea, especially for single player games. To do this, create two identical blocks. Give them the PlantGrowing properties. For block1, set the "Next" property to block2, and for block2, set it's next to block1. Then set a small "GrowthRate". The XML says you should keep this 2 or above, but it appears to work fine on 1. My guess is that even smaller numbers will work, but will just become CPU intensive for the server. <property name="PlantGrowing.Next" value="block2"/> <property name="PlantGrowing.GrowthRate" value="1"/> Now give both blocks the same name, except with an appended note. Maybe something like: block1,block,desc,"Frame Shape (Upgrade: wood)" block2,block,desc,"Frame Shape (Upgrade: steel)" And set each block's upgrade property to the material and target you want that path to take. Now when the user places that block or gets to that block some other way, they'll see a block that switches back and forth between needing wood or steel to upgrade. They simply wait for the one they want to pop up, and then do the upgrade. I'm guessing you could even set the GrowthRate to something like 0.15 so it switches every 10 seconds or so. You may want to pair this with a placeholders.xml block that has a very tiny chance of moving to a stable state. That will prevent this block from cycling forever eventually crashing the game.
  12. Thanks for the suggestion. I started playing in A20.1, so I don't have any historical experience. I'm downloading A16.4 and A17.4 now to get access to those files. I'll see what I can find. Any more information you can remember about what block I might be looking for would be really helpful.
  13. I'm writing a farming mod in which players can take action to upgrade plant blocks. For those unfamiliar with farming, I imagine this should be very similar to using a hammer to upgrade a frame shape, and the same solution should apply. I have a watering can item that players can use to water their plants. This consumes a murky water: <item name="AesF_wateringCan"> <property name="CustomIcon" value="bucketRiverWater" /> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="99CCFF" /> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="AesF_wateringCanDesc" /> <property name="Tags" value="tool,wateringCan" /> <property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps" /> <property name="HoldType" value="34" /> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Crafting/Metal/IronBucketWaterPrefab.prefab" /> <property name="DropMeshfile" value="Items/Misc/sack_droppedPrefab" /> <property name="Material" value="Mmetal" /> <property name="RepairTools" value="resourceScrapIron" /> <property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="false" /> <property name="SoundJammed" value="ItemNeedsRepair" /> <property name="ShowQuality" value="false" /> <property name="RepairExpMultiplier" value="5.5" /> <property name="SellableToTrader" value="false" /> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Class" value="Repair" /> <property name="Delay" value="1.0" /> <property name="Repair_amount" value="100" /> <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="-1" /> <property name="Upgrade_action_sound" value="bucketbail_water" /> <property name="Allowed_upgrade_items" value="AesF_wateringCan,drinkJarRiverWater" /> <property name="UsePowerAttackAnimation" value="false" /> </property> <property class="Action1"> <property name="Class" value="Repair" /> <property name="Delay" value="1.0" /> <property name="Repair_amount" value="100" /> <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="0" /> <property name="Upgrade_action_sound" value="bucketbail_water" /> <property name="Allowed_upgrade_items" value="AesF_wateringCan,drinkJarRiverWater" /> <property name="UsePowerAttackAnimation" value="false" /> </property> </item> (Still a WIP) I would like this to create an empty water jar in the player's inventory. First I tried adding a create item line within the actions, which I copied from the existing items.xml file: <property class="Action0"> <property name="Class" value="Repair" /> <property name="Delay" value="1.0" /> <property name="Repair_amount" value="100" /> <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="-1" /> <property name="Upgrade_action_sound" value="bucketbail_water" /> <property name="Allowed_upgrade_items" value="AesF_wateringCan,drinkJarRiverWater" /> <property name="UsePowerAttackAnimation" value="false" /> <property name="Create_item" value="drinkJarEmpty"/> <property name="Create_item_count" value="1"/> </property> However, nothing happens when I use this item to upgrade. I copied it from I believe the boiled water item, which does give back an empty jar when used. So then I went to the plant block itself, and tried adding it to the upgrade property: <property class="UpgradeBlock"> <property name="ToBlock" value="AesF_FarmingYuccaGrowing" /> <property name="Item" value="drinkJarRiverWater" /> <property name="ItemCount" value="1" /> <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="1" /> <property name="Create_item" value="drinkJarEmpty"/> </property> Again, nothing happens. No errors in either case; I just didn't get an empty jar. I suspect because that create_item command is meant to occur during a "use" or "eat" event, and not an "upgrade" event. I also took a shot in the dark hoping there was such a thing as an "upgrade" event: <drop event="Upgrade" name="drinkJarEmpty" count="1" /> But 7DTD yelled at me that this was an invalid event type (I got an error in the console). How do I get this jar into the player's inventory when they consume the murky water to upgrade a block?
  14. Thanks; that cleared things up! Apparently great minds think alike, because I was actually testing something similar with a helper block when you wrote this. Thanks so much for all your help; I'm on my way to creating something pretty cool...
  15. Telric, could you please help me understand this better? I think it's a little clearer to me now. I understand exactly what it does, and it's awesome functionality that's going to be the core of my new farming mod. But I don't actually understand how it does what it does yet. I see where DepositTier1Air has the property PlantGrowing.Next set to DepositTier1Helper. This makes sense to me. After 5 minutes the air block should 'grow' into the helper block. But then you have two entities named DepositTier1Helper. You have a block in blocks.xml, and then a placeholder in in Blockpaceholders.xml. I don't understand what the placeholder does or how it is used. If you showed me this code and asked me to guess, I'd say that DepositTier1Air would always turn into a DepositTier1Helper block (as defined in block.xml) after 5 minutes, and that's it. What causes 7DTD to know that there's a placeholder and to use that placeholder? Does any block that has an identically named placeholder immediately roll against the placeholder list and then turn into whatever block is chosen? Also, what is the point of the air block? Why not just bounce between the ore blocks and the placeholder blocks? Thanks again!
  16. I've done some unsuccessful testing on this, mostly with having two "UpgradeBlock" properties within a given block. Here is an example using H7SB Farming as a base, though I've tried many variations of this: <block name="seedYuccaFert"> ... <property class="UpgradeBlock"> <property name="ToBlock" value="seedYuccaWater" /> <property name="Item" value="compost" /> <property name="ItemCount" value="1" /> <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="1" /> </property> <property class="UpgradeBlock"> <property name="ToBlock" value="plantedYucca1" /> <property name="Item" value="resourceSnowBall" /> <property name="ItemCount" value="1" /> <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="1" /> </property> </block> Trying to use an item that repairs using compost just gives a "missing snowball" error. While using an item that repairs with snowballs works to move the plant to stage "plantedYucca1". So it appears that the second upgradeBlock property just overwrites the first.
  17. Thanks so much for the response, khzmusik! It's a little disappointing, but having that explanation and confirmation from you is invaluable. I think you're right that the placeholder idea is a great baseline for where I want to go with this, and provides the RNG that I need in order to accomplish much of anything. I was so glad to see that's possible. I think the other thing that I really need to make this work is a way to introduce player choice. Optimally, this would be done through multiple upgrade paths (https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/28883-can-a-block-have-multiple-upgrade-paths/). If a crop begins to wilt do you use murky water to get it going quickly, or do you wait for rain which may add an hour or two onto the growth cycle? Or maybe boiled water will speed it along more or add to the harvest! If that's not possible I'm not really sure where to go with this. But if you have any thoughts on that I'd love to hear them. Really appreciate you guys helping me to think it through! I feel like I'm close to having everything I need to carve out a general scope for the project and get started.
  18. I did some limited testing with this. I set four different crops to decreasing grow and stay values. <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='plantedCorn2']"> <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelGrow" value="14"/> <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelStay" value="12"/> </append> <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='plantedMushroom2']"> <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelGrow" value="10"/> <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelStay" value="8"/> </append> <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='plantedYucca2']"> <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelGrow" value="6"/> <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelStay" value="4"/> </append> <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='plantedGoldenrod2']"> <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelGrow" value="2"/> <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelStay" value="0"/> </append> I then started a new game with this mod. All crops grew normally and harvested normally on a sunny day. I then set clouds to 1 (though it didn't appear to get cloudy) and rain to 0.5. Again all crops grew normally and harvested normally. I then built up some frame shapes around them and placed a layer of glass above them. Again all crops grew normally and harvested normally. I then covered that glass with two layers of frame shapes, shaped like railings laying down. Again all crops grew normally and harvested normally. So I feel like maybe these properties do nothing, but would welcome other thoughts.
  19. I'm curious if a single block could have multiple upgrade paths depending on upgrade materials used. For instance, can I make a frame shape that you can upgrade with a mallet (and 8 wood) to a wood block or can upgrade with a hammer (and 6 cobblestone) to a cobblestone block? I'm specifically interested in whether we can send planted crops down different paths depending on player choice and action. This allows us to have events happen to the crops, and players can decide if they want to do anything, and whether it's worth using certain resources to maximize harvest and optimize growth time, or whether they're okay using a less valuable resource for a medium harvest and growth speed.
  20. I noticed these two tags in the blocks.xml file as part of cropsGrowingMaster: <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelGrow" value="8"/> default, light required for growing up <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelStay" value="0"/> default, light required for not dieing off They are commented out, but there's nothing noting they won't work. The second one in particular is interesting, because it would have no use at all if light levels don't change; other than preventing players from building over a planted crop and still harvesting it, which is a lot of work to have done considering said players won't be able to replant anyway. I've also noticed that sometimes when I put plants down areas will be pink instead of green; more often in my underground farming areas relying on lightshafts. Interestingly, the same plot can be green some times and pink others. I once built a cabin in the snow biome and noticed all the plants were pink when I had them on the roof, but then often green underground. I never paid much attention, but now I'm wondering if that means that weather is affecting incoming light (and maybe temperature?) and the farm plots are reacting dynamically. If this is all true, then using these properties could allow the possibility to have crops react to weather (certain types anyway), which opens up some interesting possibilities. Does anyone know anything about these values, or how weather, location, etc is interpreted by the game in terms of farming? The wiki indicates that any block with a straight line to the sky has a light value of 15, but I'm beginning to doubt that.
  21. Thanks Telric! This is awesome! It doesn't make sense to me yet, but it will when I have time to sit down and really work through it. If that mod is public, could you link it please? I'd love to see all of this in context. Are the probabilities something that can be worked into the skills system? So as a player ups their skill they are more likely to require less cycles to complete the process? Specifically looking to integrate with the action skills mod: https://7daystodiemods.com/action-skills/
  22. I'm in the beginning stages of making a farming mod. I'd like to remove busywork and introduce player action only when it involves player decisions and resource tradeoffs, in order to keep farming interesting. A requirement of this mod is that it is XML and runs only on the server (no client install required). I love the concept presented by this mod: https://7daystodiemods.com/crop-growth-by-weather/. However, that one was made using DMT. Though when I look at the forum page for DMT it says DMT is being sunset because A20 XML modding can do the things DMT used to be needed for. So I'm hoping I can recreate some of the functionality presented there in an XML-only modlet. I would like to affect crops, either with a random preset path when planted, or preferably during the growth cycle, based on any of the following: Temperature Biome Elevation Rain Sunlight Time of day Day of week Is it possible to do any of those? I can't find any other mod that does so to work from example. Has anyone found a way to have external variables have an effect? I did find the H7SB farming mod (https://7daystodiemods.com/h7sb-farming/) which is pretty awesome, and it's been very instructive. However, that mod's approach is to send every planted crop down a preset path (plant > fertilize > water > grow (wait) > water > grow (wait) > harvest). I want variation so players need to react and think during the farming process, preferably based on external stimuli. If I need to create 100 preset paths for the game to choose from when a seed is planted that's fine, but I can't find any way to do even that. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.
  23. Anyone happen to try this and have any thoughts, suggestions, or bug reports before I put it up for download?
  24. If anyone is interested in trying this out, and in helping me test, I have a version available for download at https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnlppi3wlo9xemc/AesirkinNutritionBuffs.zip?dl=1 Please be sure to backup your game files (including C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie) before trying it. Recommended for a new install, but preliminary testing seems to indicate it may work okay on an existing game. There is an included readme.txt file that explains exactly how it's supposed to work.
  25. This was a great suggestion; thanks so much! Unfortunately, playerhealth isn't defined anywhere I can see in the config folder. I tried looking at coretemp, which is a cvar, but no joy there either. However, I started looking at all the cvar addition and subtraction methods on buffs and noticed that just about every one (all operations done to variables reporting to display, anyway) were done in whole numbers. I multiplied every number in my mod so that no more decimal operations were taking place (all additions and subtractions were of integers) and a quick test indicates that may be working. I'd prefer smaller numbers capped at 100 as I think that's more relatable, but if making the cap 1000 fixes this issue I'm happy to make that trade. Going to do some more testing tomorrow, and probably some more tweaking, but I may be approaching completion.
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