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Posts posted by Kenkire

  1. I have never gone this long in the game before. I was level 100 on day 60. I had built a base from an underground mine I found. I built a defense cage to ward off the hoards above ground. I was doing well. The big bomb zombies started eating into my hill, so I decided to move all my defensive stuff to a nice sniper tower I saw. I was upgrading it and things were going well. I had nice catwalks made of bars so I could shoot through. I had turrets strategically placed. I was about to start laying down the electric fence when I noticed I had missed a broken window frame on the outside of the wall. I hit it with my pick and that's when the whole tower came down. I lost so much stuff. My boxed were full of hard won parts. I'm really sad. I literally don't want to play anymore. I can't believe the whole tower was weighted on one broken window frame. spacer.png

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