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Posts posted by Busterpelvus

  1. Hello, have  another question, about the dirt duster dirt bike, it says I can craft the tires with a front and rear tire, I have lucky looter maxed out, lucky goggles and loot stage 159, am I just having poor luck finding them? Thanks 

  2. My AC_ATV keeps wanting to drive off without me 🤷‍♂️Figured I could just park in in front of something but once it hits it it goes into reverse and I have to chase it down anyways. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

    Yes, the save folder is hidden. From the launcher select "Tools" then select "Open savegame folder"

    Find your savegame in the "Saves" folder and then delete the power.dat file from that folder.

    You know what’s weird, I went back to rebuild the base and started putting the electric fence back up and got one generator, a switch and I think 12 fence posts and on the 13th post it would freeze the game every time.   I have it separated into 2 sections now with a generator for each one and spaced a bit away from each other and it seems to be good.  

  4. 43 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    here is where my saves are... yours may not look like mine but should be close to the same. mine are also at the default location.



    bandicam 2022-02-06 22-53-23-910.jpg

    I think I’ve found it, so delete both of those? 

    50 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

    Yes, the save folder is hidden. From the launcher select "Tools" then select "Open savegame folder"

    Find your savegame in the "Saves" folder and then delete the power.dat file from that folder.

    Wow, that totally fixed it, really disappointed I used the super digger on that base now lol. Thanks very much. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

    It may be the problem. Another user had the same symtoms and fixed it by deleting the power.dat file from the save game folder.

    When you delete the file all engines, wires, gas, etc are removed from the game and will have to be replaced from the creative menu. It did fix the problem of accessing the base though.

    I’m not super great with computers, I’ve been through everything I can see on there and I can’t find any files anywhere that have any save game folder for 7 days, either it’s hidden or most likely I have no clue what I’m actually looking for.  I even tried deleting the game and was just gonna go from scratch but when I reinstalled it all the old worlds were still there. Not good with computers at all. But I’ll keep digging.  

  6. So I made a new horde night base yesterday and now today I try to play and try to go to the base and I can’t get within 130 meters or so.  I can see the building, well half of it because the other half is now gone, and I can travel all around it as long as I stay 130 meters or so away, if I get closer the game freezes and says 7 days to die is not responding.  It’s not an issue with the map loading, I can sit outside that area all day long staring at the building I can’t get to. I have a lot of time in this map and don’t really want to have to put a fence around this dead zone. On the map it’s showing a brick wall where the building is, none of my other structures have ever shown that and it wasn’t there yesterday. Any ideas what is going on? What I can do? 

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