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Posts posted by Scotty2188

  1. Ok, my idea is some demonic bull@%$#ery going on, here is why.


    The Names

    the names of some zombies are odd “departed”, “infested”, “plagued” and “infected”, meaning many things, infested means a parasite, infected mean disease, but departed and plagued are outliers, as they imply severed connection and heavily F##KED UP. And then there’s the “Burn Victims”,

    as if some force came and attacked


    the cosmetics


    most of the “afflicted”, so to say, have rotting flesh or putrid, decomposed skin and all have BLACK GODS BE DANMED VEINS AND SHEITE, but some have stranger wounds, the putrid girl has the skin on her lower neck severed, and oddly, most zombies have near no bites, back to the girl, perhaps her neck was slit for a ritualistic thing, the burn victims will be mentioned later.


    the “Mutations”


    ok THIS is the part that takes the cake, the pure lack of discrimination that the affliction has, simply because it mutates

    anything, EVEN BLOODY KIDS, but it seem like some are more so than others, let’s say, i don’t know, a cop, the have mutated to have more fat and spew acid (presumably of the stomach), like bloated walkers, they ate much pre-affliction, now they have more mass and are held back by it, then there’s the screamers, we can only assume for human nature that they screamed a ton P-A, therefore they have been “cursed” to scream eternally, and of course the burned ones, HOW THE HEL THESE THINGS STILL GOT FLESH? As we can only assume the affliction has been around a small bit, “so they would burn or starve, no?” NEIN, They can’t starve because they need no food, only to feel meat tear in their mouth, and the burn should be, Well, Burned right? No because “the burn” is a high power affliction.


    The feral


    even without feral zombies they get stronger out of daylight, and with it on they can smell yo ass through a wall of pure stainless steel at night as if the sun weakens them.


    The Blood Red Night


    it is even worse on blood moons, in history lunar (mainly full red) moon have been linked to the devil and @%$#, odd that they get STRONGER on “the forsaken nights” of all nights, no?




    Ok this part is personal af because when I walked NEAR a church ground area I got swarmed quicker than a apartment complex, so they are very agitated near those!




    As observed many times these creatures walk in a lot of ways but special zombies and that weird shirtless gray one look different, special ones walk more stability and strait, and the other one jogs sorta but the way it’s holding its head is odd, as it has something on, In or near its head, like the voice of the demons who possess them.


    and finally, the border…


    ok so the fact that all of nazegame is surrounded by a near instant kill environment, as if it’s been…

    Cursed, almost…


    so yeah my theory is that it’s possessive demons, that also explain glowybois, but yeah that it, goodbye fellow hunters! 

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