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Posts posted by Kalnazzar

  1. 🔥 Embark on a Mythical Journey: Join the Path of Chaos Mod Community for 7 Days to Die! 🔥

    Are you a creative soul with a knack for modding, whether it's Advanced XML, Harmony C#, 3D modeling, texture array patching, video editing, UI design, or graphic arts? We're building an epic overhaul mod for 7 Days to Die, and we need YOUR expertise and creativity!

    🛠️ We're Searching for:

    • Advanced XML Wizards
    • Harmony C# Maestros
    • 3D Modeling Magicians
    • Texture Array Patching Pros
    • Video Editing Enthusiasts
    • UI Design Visionaries
    • Graphic Arts Creatives

    A Glimpse into Our Mythical World - Path of Chaos: Path of Chaos is an extensive overhaul mod currently in development for the beloved 7 Days to Die. But this is more than just a mod; it's a vibrant community, a vision we collectively share for the game's future. We're in no rush – this mod won't see the light of day until after the game goes gold. However, an exhilarating testing period is on the horizon to uncover and perfect every detail.

    Our Vision and Ambitions:

    • [Brimstone Biome (formerly Burnt Biome)]
    • Swamp Biome
    • Food Overhaul
    • New Crops
    • Harvestable Trees
    • New Harvestable System for Animals
    • New Zombies, Animals, Bandits, NPCs
    • Workstation Overhauls
    • Complete UI Overhaul
    • New Workstations
    • Complete Rework of the Leveling Experience

    But there's more! Our innovative leveling system introduces Attributes, Skills, Techniques, and Knowledge, a fusion of "Learn by Doing" and "Learn by Looting Mixed." And that's just the beginning.

    Prepare for Thrilling Additions:

    • A mental health system that can lead to hallucinations when it gets too low.
    • Mystical crystals with elemental properties for mining and alchemical wonders.
    • Biome Bosses are inspired by real-life myths, such as the legendary Yeti (Bigfoot).
    • World bosses, mutated zombies with intelligence, and legendary weapon drops.
    • A revamped medical system that includes viruses, burns, infections, and more.
    • Hidden hybrid skills like "Herbislasim [Medical] and Robotics," unlocking the "Nanorobotics skill tree" for healing and AoE damage.
    • Bleeding damage redesign, now affecting humans and animals, paving the way for a new poison system for the undead.

    And these are just the beginning of the ideas we have in store for Path of Chaos!

    Join Our Creative Community: This project thrives on fresh ideas from the community. As a team, we encourage new perspectives and continuous evolution.

    We make collaboration easy with GitLab, allowing multiple contributors to work seamlessly on different aspects simultaneously.

    Send me a DM, and let's embark on this mythical journey together! 🌟

  2. The one thing I want is a base hub station to upgrade my base blocks. If you start off building low tier like wood' then you always have a few hard-to-reach block's that you have to find your way back to if you want to fully upgrade everything. Have it so you stick the mats into a hub and it upgrades your base block's. 

  3. 15 hours ago, khzmusik said:


    I believe Cranberry Monster wants to double-check that you are using this code in a modlet, and that the modlet is properly organized.


    This code cannot go directly into the game's config files.


    The "<remove..." and "<append..." tags are XPath commands, not configuration XML. The game only recognizes XPath if it is inside a modlet, in that modlet's "Config" folder, in a file whose name matches the name of a file within the game's "Config" folder. (EDIT: the filenames must match exactly, so "Progression.xml" won't match "progression.xml".) Also, the modlet won't work unless there is a ModInfo.xml file inside the root folder for that modlet.


    If all that is true, then I'm not sure what to tell you. The code you posted above looks like it should not produce errors.


    Whether it will do what you want, I cannot say. I searched the game's XML files and could not find a "seedHarvest" string anywhere. Getting a seed seems to be determined by the "Destroy" drop event in the crop's block, and that does not have any tags.

    I think I found a better work around because I started to see that even if I figure this out, I am goanna have to update the UI to show the perk. I don't know how to edit that yet. Can't find videos of people moding the harder stuff. But yet I have the rest of the stuff set up correctly in the modlet. 

  4. <configs>
    <remove xpath="/progression/perks[@name='perkLivingOffTheLand']"/>
    <append xpath="/progression/perks">
    <perk name="perkLivingOffTheLand" max_level="4" parent="skillFortitudeSurvival" name_key="perkLivingOffTheLandName" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_tree">
            <level_requirements level="1"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attFortitude" operation="GTE" value="1" desc_key="reqFortitudeLevel01"/></level_requirements>
            <level_requirements level="2"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attFortitude" operation="GTE" value="3" desc_key="reqFortitudeLevel03"/></level_requirements>
            <level_requirements level="3"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attFortitude" operation="GTE" value="5" desc_key="reqFortitudeLevel05"/></level_requirements>
            <level_requirements level="4"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attFortitude" operation="GTE" value="7" desc_key="reqFortitudeLevel07"/></level_requirements>
            <level_requirements level="5"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attFortitude" operation="GTE" value="10" desc_key="reqFortitudeLevel10"/></level_requirements>
                <requirement name="ItemHasTags" tags="perkLivingOffTheLand"/>
                    <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" level="1,3" value=".3,1.5"/>
                    <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" level="1,3" value=".1,.5"/>
                <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_set" level="0,5" value="0,5" tags="perkLivingOffTheLandCrafting"/><!-- fake crafting perk that is used to scale resources -->

                <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" level="1,2,3,4" value="1,1,2,2" tags="cropHarvest,wildCropsHarvest"/>
                <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" level="2,3,4" value="1,1,2" tags="bonusCropHarvest"/>
                <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" level="4" value="1" tags="seedHarvest"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,4" value="1" tags="plantedAloe1,plantedChrysanthemum1,plantedGoldenrod1,plantedYucca1"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="2,4" value="1" tags="plantedBlueberry1,plantedCoffee1,plantedCorn1,plantedCotton1,plantedMushroom1,plantedPotato1,plantedHop1,plantedPumpkin1,plantedGraceCorn1"/>

                <effect_description level="1" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank1Desc" long_desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank1LongDesc"/>
                <effect_description level="2" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank2Desc" long_desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank2LongDesc"/>
                <effect_description level="3" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank3Desc" long_desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank3LongDesc"/>
                <effect_description level="4" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank4Desc" long_desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank4LongDesc"/>
                <effect_description level="5" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank5Desc" long_desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank5LongDesc"/>

  5. 26 minutes ago, Cranberry Monster said:

    Just doublechecking some basic stuff. Does this chunk of xml begin and end with matching tags, such as <config> before the first remove, and </config> after the </append>? Does the modlet have its own folder, with a ModInfo.xml at the same level as the Config folder containing your new Progression.xml? 

    That last part confused me lol. Kinda new to this ok I am working on a total re-haul mode as I learn new things right now, I just have a bunch of new recipes and Items because that is pretty much all I know how to MOD currently I am a visual learner so I have to see something to understand how to do it myself and I can't find videos on how to MOD this part or terrain. But to answer your question the best I can I have tried this one and I also copied and pasted the original perk and just changed the part's he had changed and added. Both kept popping up yellow test saying it could not remove 'perkLivingOffTheLand because there was already a key with that name. But no, it's not its own MOD it has other stuff I edited which all work I use them on my own server, and this is the only thing I can't seem to get to work. At first, I thought maybe it was seedHarvest maybe that's not the code/command the game registers to harvest a seed but then I read the yellow text and it said it couldn't remove the original perk code.  So, my question is since I am new what do you mean by ""with a ModInfo.xml at the same level as the Config folder"" I have a Progression.xml in my config folder along with Item's and recipes, and quest. 

  6. Looking to have a Grinder, Pasta Maker and a meat mincer. Message me with a price. I will send you pictures I want good quality stations. If I like your work and you want to make more money, I have more stuff I want made. But it needs to be ready to put into the game. So, I take your files move them into my MODS folder and that's it. 

  7. Ok so I want to add a new tier for Living off the Land Perk to harvest a seed at rank 4. A friend gave me a quick setup example said it might work it might not. But it's not so I am not sure why. If anyone can help, I would be much appreciated. 


    <remove xpath="/progression/perks[@name='perkLivingOffTheLand']"/>

    <append xpath="/progression/perks">
        <perk name="perkLivingOffTheLand" max_level="4" parent="skillFortitudeSurvival" name_key="perkLivingOffTheLandName" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_tree">
            <level_requirements level="1"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attFortitude" operation="GTE" value="1" desc_key="reqFortitudeLevel01"/></level_requirements>
            <level_requirements level="2"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attFortitude" operation="GTE" value="3" desc_key="reqFortitudeLevel03"/></level_requirements>
            <level_requirements level="3"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attFortitude" operation="GTE" value="5" desc_key="reqFortitudeLevel05"/></level_requirements>
            <level_requirements level="4"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attFortitude" operation="GTE" value="7" desc_key="reqFortitudeLevel07"/></level_requirements>
            <level_requirements level="5"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attFortitude" operation="GTE" value="10" desc_key="reqFortitudeLevel10"/></level_requirements>

                <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_set" level="0,5" value="0,5" tags="perkLivingOffTheLandCrafting"/><!-- fake crafting perk that is used to scale resources -->

                <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" level="1,2,3,4" value="1,1,2,2" tags="cropHarvest,wildCropsHarvest"/>
                <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" level="2,3,4" value="1,1,1" tags="bonusCropHarvest"/>
                <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" level="4" value="1" tags="seedHarvest"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,4" value="1" tags="plantedAloe1,plantedChrysanthemum1,plantedGoldenrod1,plantedYucca1"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="2,4" value="1" tags="plantedBlueberry1,plantedCoffee1,plantedCorn1,plantedCotton1,plantedMushroom1,plantedPotato1,plantedHop1,plantedPumpkin1,plantedGraceCorn1"/>

                <effect_description level="1" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank1Desc" long_desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank1LongDesc"/>
                <effect_description level="2" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank2Desc" long_desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank2LongDesc"/>
                <effect_description level="3" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank3Desc" long_desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank3LongDesc"/>
                <effect_description level="4" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank4Desc" long_desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank4LongDesc"/>
                <effect_description level="5" desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank5Desc" long_desc_key="perkLivingOffTheLandRank5LongDesc"/>

    So this is what he sent me and it keeps saying it can't load it. 

  8. Can you please do a fully video showing how to make your own. I am so lost I don't know how to use the ripper program I just learned how to make a block and I tried to use that ass Terraine and found out from another person that is not how it work. You talk about getting the Map but again I am a visual learner and if I don't see someone do it I feel lost and overwhelmed. Make a begining to end video using ripper getting the map how to open everything please


  9. Got a question I love this MOD is there a way to get the crafting stations to work with SMX? I use this MOD for my UI. But none of your crafting stations work with it. Also the copper oven I think is what it's called has no picture. 

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