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Posts posted by Rombune

  1. With hell as the setting you could do a "Blood Moon only" POI. A tall, menacing "Duke's Castle" that's part post-apocalyptic, part hellscape. Replace a regular POI at the start of each Blood Moon that resets in the morning. Could even need 3-6 strange "keys" from other POIs just to get in without breaking through castle walls. All while the Blood Moon zombies are trying to kill everyone.

  2. Recently back into 7DTD running a server and realized a Lot of 7DTD makes for a story set in hell.


    The "Duke" is actually a "Duke of Hell" which is why "Duke Casino Tokens" are used over cash. The map is actually a prison built to fake a "zombie apocalypse" and parody reality with its own rules. (Thus you can fit vehicles in your back pocket and use candy to survive jumping from skyscrapers.) It's not really green "radiation" but hellfire burning its way out of "zombies". The hounds are hellhounds. The Blood Moon really is out to kill the characters. And characters wake up after dying because death is no escape in hell.

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