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Posts posted by Endo

  1. Thanks that's useful will take a read.  I did try out a fresh A20.1 save in the same generated world and created a similar base.  Bumped up the day and ran a day 504 horde night with two robotic turrets doing basically all the work, had no issues.  Tried also spawning cops thinking it might be related to splash damage but again no dice to force them to fall.  So might just be positioning.


    I think in the interim because A20.1 is better but not fully fixed may just have a few turrets in reserve in case some fall through as I can find them.

  2. Sure, will try this again this evening (I'm in PST) in a freshly generated world/save.  My thoughts were to build a similar base and spawn in some zombies to see when exactly the turrets fall through or if they do in a fresh world.  May try a few different base configurations as well depending on results.

  3. Updated to 20.1 and tried it out.  Turrets lasted longer above ground but eventually by the end of a horde night they had still fallen through the ground.  Interestingly enough they do seem to end up falling through my player made blocks and residing where the soil still remains.  For me that was essentially in the ground inside of a steel block.

  4. Related but maybe different issue for me.  My turrets are mid horde night falling through player made structures into the soil.  Can dig down to retrieve them but highly annoying and largely makes them somewhat useless to have.  They will fire initially but then fall through what seems like arbitrarily.

    Need to do a bit more testing to see if it is all turrets, specific block types etc but really not sure why this is occurring nor that familiar with it from previous alphas.

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