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  • Buried supplies are about 4 times easier than they should be (on dedicated)


    Game Version: A20.3

    Platform: PC

    Game mode: dedicated hosts for multiplayer


    Are you using any mods? No

    EAC on


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:

    I'm playing on Insane difficulty only but that's unlikely to be relevant. I am unaware of what tools those hosts use to host the game.

    Long ago I noticed that after you start the buried supplies quest (as in, initiate the "start digging" part of it) chest always will be in South-West quarter of drawn circle. (for any of three tiers of quests). And it seems to still follow this "rule" after quite a while of abusing it on different servers from different hosts.

    I only did it about twice on my own client host where it doesn't seem to be the case, but it doesn't seem to be the case there. 

    Other things:

    Sometimes it even spawns about 1 block outside of it on tier 2 or 3 (can tell because Im a dirty bug exploiter) which is extremely troll. Don't think it ever was the case with tier1. Might want to check both the chest spawn(or client side drawing of it...) and circle spawn algorithms.

    I also think that zombies which spawn on digging do spawn with order to move to some point, while on taking the supplies you get zombies to spawn with having you as their target. I am not sure if it is indeed so. But if it is - is it intentional?


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) join random dedicated server multiplayer game

    2) go get buried supplies quest (seems to work on any of three quest tiers of this kind)

    3) start quest and get to digging within south-western quarter of the drawn area (I recommend digging in about center of this quarter for obvious reasons); obviously dig on the lowest dirt level, its where the chest spawns (or should to, anyway; I have seen weird spots for mountain spawns, but those are extremely rare)

    4) repeat steps 2-4 until you are confident about it


    Actual result: (description of what is occurring)

    You always find it within S-W quarter of circle model


    Expected result: (what you expect to occur)

    You have to dig for a while, but knowing about this bug it never lasts long for tiers 1-2

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