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A17 - Map Generation for WebMap


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Looking for a way to generate the web map that you get with alloc's server fixes, there once was a python script someone wrote on these forums that would teleport you around and "discover" the pieces but the github for that project seems to be gone now.


Does anyone else know of a way to render the full map without having to visit it with a player entity?

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Looking for a way to generate the web map that you get with alloc's server fixes, there once was a python script someone wrote on these forums that would teleport you around and "discover" the pieces but the github for that project seems to be gone now.


Does anyone else know of a way to render the full map without having to visit it with a player entity?


Not really because the map is generated as its visited, maybe someone more experienced in 7DTD map generation would know. A more beginner level way of doing what you want though would be using something like AutoHotKey to TP around the map, adding like 200 to your X,Z then wait 5 seconds and repeat.

Then use https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?30280-SinglePlayer-Map-Renderer to show the map.

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