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New world gen in A17 B233 is horrible


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So I tried updating my rwgmixer.xml file with Tin's code but I error out on world generation. Simply put, I want to dramatically reduce the amount of snow/desert/wasteland (since I don't care to play in them) and increase the amount of forest. Does anyone know if we can update the biomeoutput sectionof the xml to make one biome more likely to generate?


<module name="biomeOutput" type="BiomeIDMapper">

<property name="sourceModule" value="clampOutput"/>

<property name="biomemap0.Name" value="pine_forest"/>

<property name="biomemap0.Range" value="0.2,0.4"/>

<property name="biomemap1.Name" value="snow"/>

<property name="biomemap1.Range" value="0,0.2"/>

<property name="biomemap2.Name" value="wasteland"/>

<property name="biomemap2.Range" value="0.4,0.6"/>

<property name="biomemap3.Name" value="burnt_forest"/>

<property name="biomemap3.Range" value="0.6,0.8"/>

<property name="biomemap4.Name" value="desert"/>

<property name="biomemap4.Range" value="0.8,1.1"/>



Since I put that out during the experimental phase, we have found typo's in the code itself that wasn't there before in the 'TranslateInput' type module, The 'Y' was defaulting and trying to use the 'X' property. So, during all the updates things broke. Is what it is. :(

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<module name="biomeOutput" type="BiomeIDMapper">
			<property name="sourceModule" value="clampOutput"/>

			<property name="biomemap0.Name" value="pine_forest"/>
			<property name="biomemap0.Range" value="0.2,0.7"/>

			<property name="biomemap1.Name" value="snow"/>
			<property name="biomemap1.Range" value="0,0.20"/>

			<property name="biomemap2.Name" value="wasteland"/>
			<property name="biomemap2.Range" value="0.7,0.75"/>

			<property name="biomemap3.Name" value="burnt_forest"/>
			<property name="biomemap3.Range" value="0.75,0.85"/>

			<property name="biomemap4.Name" value="desert"/>
			<property name="biomemap4.Range" value="0.85,1"/>


the range value is the %, and it really shouldn't go past 1. (so they all add up to 100%)



for both small and medium in the rwgmixer.


Added the tradergroup back per above AND upped each trader to max 3, so I got 20 traders in the current test.

Now to find'em all.



Roads now... um, that is a total mess.


You are going to want to put that 0.1 back in so it reads "1.1". Without out it, it'll get flaky during the loading process, and won't finish periodically.

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Hmm... so far it works fine. So far. I thought one of them was at 1 and the other at 1.1 (small/med)


yeah, its a hit or miss thing. It did fine for me for quit awhile having it changed to 1.0, then out of the blue it got stuck in the loading process, and wouldn't quit getting stuck, till I changed it back to 1.1.

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The randomly placed biomes is good, they just need to be larger in size. It's not much of a biome if you sprint for 30 seconds in one direction and it's gone.


Really though, they just need to give players control over how the world is generated without complex XML editing. Have sliders that control aspects of generation. Give people the option to use realistic biome generation like Navesegane or completely random. Want lots of mountains? Pump up that slider. Don't want water everywhere? Turn it down. Options for POI and city rates would be good too.


I agree, it's going to be hard to please everyone with random map generation at this level of complexity. There should be a few presets, but, similar to Civilization, let players customize what the world ultimately looks like using sliders.

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So I tried updating my rwgmixer.xml file with Tin's code but I error out on world generation. Simply put, I want to dramatically reduce the amount of snow/desert/wasteland (since I don't care to play in them) and increase the amount of forest. Does anyone know if we can update the biomeoutput sectionof the xml to make one biome more likely to generate?


<module name="biomeOutput" type="BiomeIDMapper">

<property name="sourceModule" value="clampOutput"/>

<property name="biomemap0.Name" value="pine_forest"/>

<property name="biomemap0.Range" value="0.2,0.4"/>

<property name="biomemap1.Name" value="snow"/>

<property name="biomemap1.Range" value="0,0.2"/>

<property name="biomemap2.Name" value="wasteland"/>

<property name="biomemap2.Range" value="0.4,0.6"/>

<property name="biomemap3.Name" value="burnt_forest"/>

<property name="biomemap3.Range" value="0.6,0.8"/>

<property name="biomemap4.Name" value="desert"/>

<property name="biomemap4.Range" value="0.8,1.1"/>



I just left the rwgmixer alone. Generated the world, opened biomes.png in Krita.

Used the "Select color" tool, clicked on orange - then used the subtract selection lasso to deselect a couple spots.

Filled the section with forest green.

Did the same for purple.

Saved file.





Works beautifully.

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This is what i tweaked the generation medium section to for B238


<biome_generator name="vanillaMedium">
			<!--<module name="voronoi" type="Voronoi">-->
       <!--<property name="frequency" value="0.0012"/>--> 
       <!--<property name="frequency" value="0.00128"/> 
       <property name="displacement" value="0.5"/>
   <module name="bands" type="Cylinders">
       <property name="frequency" value="0.00112"/>
   <module name="rotate" type="RotateInput">
       <property name="sourceModule" value="bands"/>
       <property name="xAngle" value="0"/>
       <property name="zAngle" value="1"/>
   <module name="trans" type="TranslateInput">
       <property name="sourceModule" value="rotate"/>
       <property name="z" value="1024"/>
       <property name="x" value="1024"/>
   <module name="biasOutput" type="BiasOutput">
       <property name="sourceModule" value="trans"/>
       <property name="bias" value="0.5"/>
   <module name="scaleOutput" type="ScaleOutput">
       <property name="sourceModule" value="biasOutput"/>
       <property name="scale" value="1"/>
   <module name="dithering" type="FastTurbulence">
       <property name="sourceModule" value="scaleOutput"/>
       <property name="frequency" value="0.35"/>
       <property name="power" value="80"/>
       <property name="roughness" value="3"/>
   <module name="jiggle" type="FastTurbulence">
       <property name="sourceModule" value="dithering"/>
       <property name="frequency" value="0.25"/>
       <property name="power" value="30"/>
       <property name="roughness" value="3"/>
   <module name="clampOutput" type="ClampOutput">
       <property name="sourceModule" value="jiggle"/>
       <property name="bounds" value="0,1"/>
<module name="biomeOutput" type="BiomeIDMapper">
       <property name="sourceModule" value="clampOutput"/>
       <property name="biomemap0.Name" value="pine_forest"/>
       <property name="biomemap0.Range" value="0.25,0.45"/>
       <property name="biomemap1.Name" value="snow"/>
       <property name="biomemap1.Range" value="0,0.25"/>
       <property name="biomemap2.Name" value="wasteland"/>
       <property name="biomemap2.Range" value="0.45,0.6"/>
       <property name="biomemap3.Name" value="burnt_forest"/>
       <property name="biomemap3.Range" value="0.6,0.8"/>
       <property name="biomemap4.Name" value="desert"/>
       <property name="biomemap4.Range" value="0.8,1.1"/>
<output module="biomeOutput"/>

Resultant map



I tried your code snippet and It throws a couple errors then generates a quilted map like normal, which I don't like at all.

I wanna generate something like yours, but no success thus far and I'm a good week or 2 from having the time to dissect and understand rwgmixer myself. Can you assist me with debugging and/or speed me along with understanding ? I would love a snippit with documentation telling me what each chunk does.

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