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Do torches generate heat to draw screamers


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If you want to recreate this more quickly modify the "wallTorchLightPlayer" entry;

<property name="HeatMapFrequency" value="15"/>

To something lower. Setting it to one was quite hilarious with the 28 torches running. It peaked over 100 and flipped over like twice in a few minutes.

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Only chiming in because this is a test I was asked to test and got very different results, and was linked this thread as proof I was incorrect in my test results. Here is a screenshot to go along with today's test video. I tested this in Alpha 16 and got the same results as well.




I crafted 10 torches from scratch, opened the debug menu and F8 to bring the heatmap up, built a small tower, placed all 10 torches on the small tower and then sat there and watched it. The heat map never left 0.00%, no matter how long I sat there. Never saw anything spawn in.

Even used the "LE" command while sitting there for several in-game hours, waiting to see if anything appeared. Nothing there.



So if I am wrong, I cannot scientifically prove otherwise in my own game worlds. And I did read all of that in the XML files before even trying to test it in today's video. :)




Here are two more Capp00.

In A16 and A17, 28 torches after about 16 minutes IRL bring the heat map up about 12.5%. Day 1 new maps in each. No other activity apart from building the 7 block pole and putting up the 28 torches.









Yeah there's definitely something buggy about it in A17.


I tried to find the video [with no luck] of someone showing their heat map with only 3 torches.

They were generating so much heat that Screamers were showing up almost non stop.





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Nothing buggy about it in either A16 or A17 from what I have tested. You just need to be willing to wait a long time IRL for the heat map to update or change the blocks.xml "HeatMapFrequency" value for the torches down to 1 so you don't have to.


I'd be curious to see if someone can validate my own tests. 7 block high pole with a torch on each side all the way up to a total of 28.

Wait 16 minutes IRL on a standard 60 minute day setting game in either version. The heat map will stay at 0% until finally it updates after the 16 minutes and shows 12.5%. If you change the "HeatMapFrequency" setting to 1 you will get your endless screamer waves.

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There you go. The above was recorded with the heatmapfrequency set to 1 to allow the heat map to update in something more like real-time.

So the question is not if they generate heat but how many could one chunk support with the default heatmapfrequency value before you start to see gradual heat increases over time.


I can say for sure its less than 28 as 12.% was generated every 16 minutes which is approximately every 5 in game hours. Which would be a screamer every 40 in game hours based on torches alone.

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lol I feel stupid; From the wiki

"In the file blocks.xml, the frequency is defined as a number of ticks. Each tick is approximately a .75 to 1 minute real-time interval."


My own testing has it much closer to a 1 minute real time interval than a .75, but perhaps there are some other factors that might adjust that.

If .75 then the update would occur between 15-20 minutes real time.

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I don't think this has ever been working correctly. I am a torch fan. All my bases are walled with torches (about 12 to 15), are interior lit with them (another 4 to 6) and the area around the base has a further 30 to 40 of them scattered about so I can see further than the base. I love torchlight in the game at night. This typically gives 1 to 2 Screamers per day.


But if I run a few Forges, that figure hits a dozen a day easily.


Of course those 60+ Torches I run are probably scattered over at least 3x3 = 9 chunks, while my Forges are all together probably in a single chunk, so it might be that. Either way, Torches make no practical difference to your Screamer count in my experience, and I use a LOT of them.

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